DIRECT ENHANCE SERVICE The impact of Health Facilitation for People with Learning Disability Introduce myself and where I am working.


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Presentation transcript:

DIRECT ENHANCE SERVICE The impact of Health Facilitation for People with Learning Disability Introduce myself and where I am working

Setting the Scene People with Learning Disabilities experience a different pattern of ill health when compared with general population Designing services purely to meet the needs of the general population will fail to meet the needs of people with learning disabilities. Death by indifference it is well documented that the general health of PWLD is poor & they have greater health needs

Strategic Impetus

EQUAL LIVES 2005 The Northern Ireland Review of Mental Health and Learning Disability (Bamford) was established by the DHSSPS to carry out an independent review of the effectiveness of policy and service provision

SERVICE AIMS Work in strong partnership with Trust, Primary Care, Communities, Carers/Families and People with Learning Disability, so that we can deliver better health care for the Person with learning Disability To provide optimum service to pwld this is held by the trust HAP should be reviewed on an annual basis and be part of person centred plan They can play a vital role in health care. Consent should be got from patients & fully informed of needs

Role of Health Facilitator Developing an accurate register of People with Learning Disability Support practices to get screening completed & help arrange access for People with Learning Disability to receive health screens Provide accessible help/information to all GP practices Advising/supporting practices in the importance of screening People with Learning Disability & reviewing their health Advising & overcoming access difficulties People with Learning Disability have using GP practices Raising awareness & supporting the Person with Learning Disability when they visit the GP Improving the Persons experience when using primary care services Providing an information leaflet on Health Screening, designed to inform patient/carer about health Screening Providing a GP information Pack to help the GP communicate with the person with Learning Disability

GP Information Pack Contact details Summary of HF Role On Line Resource Sheet Screening Tool/Checklist for identification of a Learning Disability Health Assessment Form Health Check Action Plan Summary of Health Assessment Patient Satisfaction Survey

GP screening for year 1,2 and 3 Date GP signed to DES GP not signed to DES GP practices had started screening Total of people screened 2009/10 42 (77%) 12 (33%) 21 (50%) 216 (16.3 %) 2010/11 47 (87.3%) 7 (12.9%) 37 (80%) 605 (46.7%) 2011/12 37 (80%) 946 (73%)

BACKGROUND Looking at evidence and developing the concept of health facilitation and health action plans into the lives of people with learning disability

HEALTH ACTION PLANS “A Health action plan is a tool that should detail the action needed to maintain and improve the health of a person and any help that is required” (DOH2002). It is a mechanism to link the range of services and supports they need, the person with learning disability is to have better health....... History of HAP Identifies specific health problem Action plan required to treat/resolve problem By whom Review/follow up

Primary Objectives To apply a person centred holistic and sustainable health action plan To help improve access to primary health care services

What's in the Health action Plan Booklet? Consent Information about person, people and services involved Background to health Medication information Questions on present state of health Areas to be considered for health action plan My health plan and who is going to support me

Pages in the Health Action Plan People who help me with my health Epilepsy (optional) My feelings/behaviour/worries (optional) Height & weight chart My medication (optional) How I communicate (pictures at the back of file) Overview of my lifestyle My Health Action Plan Note for people to write in My appointments diary (optional)

Health Action Plans Pilot Study in Two areas Phase 1. Statutory Residential & Supported Living Services Phase 2. Residential /Nursing & Supported Living Services Phase 3. Community & ARCs Transition from children to adult services

Health Development Forum Looking at the Health Promotion needs of People with learning disability Using data collected from Health Screens Areas targeted – weight smoking, substance abuse, mental health, physical activity & sexual health Nutritional group

THANK YOU Pat Cuming Health Facilitator for People with Learning Disability South Eastern Trust Ph. 02891511190 Email