1 Configuration(1/8)
2 Configuration(2/8) Execute the windows HyperTerminal application and use D-SUB 9 pin RS-232 cable to set up
3 Configuration(3/8) Check the network status
4 Web login : Using the Windows Internet Explorer Configuration(4/8)
5 Configuration(5/8) Management-General Setting
6 Configuration(6/8)User Setting-Network Setting
7 Configuration(7/8) Telnet
8 Configuration(8/8)Telnet
9 SIP Setting(1/3) User Setting-Call Setting
10 SIP Setting(2/3) Administrator Setting-Sip Setting
11 The fields those must configured Request - URI: Name displayed on the LCD for the caller. (it is as same as SIP Display and SIP Request Name) Login Name: User name to log in the SIP server. Password: User password to log in to the SIP server. Register Server IP Address: SIP Register Server IP address. Register Server IP Address Port: Port number of SIP Register Server. Outbound Proxy: Outbound Proxy server IP address. Outbound Proxy Port: Port number of Outbound Proxy SIP Setting(3/3) Administrator Setting-Sip Setting
12 Dial Methods(1/5)Dialing Plan-General Setting
13 Dial Methods(2/5)Dialing Plan-Local
14 Mainly for IP call purpose Prefix: 1 Min Digit: 3 Max Digit: 3 Delete Digit: 0 Ex: 1xx Add Prefix: 9 Ex: 91xx Remote IP: Ex: Remote Port: 5060 Ex: Dial Methods(3/5)Example : Local table
15 Dial Methods(4/5)Dialing Plan-URI Phone Book
16 Index1: 605 Dial method: *#1 Request URI =Sip: Index2: Dial method: *#3 Request URI =Sip: Index3: Dial method: *#3 Request URI =Sip: Dial Methods(5/5)Example : URI Phone Book