Billing, Certification, Payment and Submission of Transportation Documents Peggie Poss and Corinne Bachiller Senior Program Analysts GSA Expo 2010 ~ Orlando, FL May 4-6, 2010
WHAT WE WILL COVER TSP’s Responsibilities GSA Transportation Audits Division’s Responsibilities Agency Responsibilities Administrative Review Submission of Paid Bills Poss will cover TSP responsibilities
Preparation/Submission of SF 1113 Supporting Documents Supplemental Billings Presentation will include preparation of the Public Voucher for Transportation Charges, SF 1113, the supporting documents for billings for transportation services for both freight and household goods shipments, and how supplemental billings should be submitted.
PREPARATION/SUBMISSION OF SF 1113 Must prepare and properly certify SF 1113 Payee (TSP) name/address/TIN TSP bill number & SCAC List Agency BL/GTR serial number List services w/rates & charges for HHG shipment Submit to “Bill Charges To” named on BL/TSO/GTR Only one HHG shipment per SF 1113 Up to 25 freight shipments may be listed on SF 1113 Public Voucher for Transportation Charges (SF1113) whether GTR (passenger), GBL or other BL (freight/household goods) issued,
Carrier Bill Number or Supplemental Bill Number SCAC Enter TIN “Unique” Numbers and services Certification Enter amounts and total
SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Provide Certificate of Delivery on BL Provide service/rate/charge and rate basis on BL/GTR Attach BL/TSO/GTR to SF 1113 Attach any one-time-only (OTO) quote Attach (HHG shipments): Premove Survey and Scale Weight Tickets DD Form 619/DD 619-1 or comparable commercial form(s) for origin and destination services Descriptive Inventory and Third Party Documents Continuing with Household Goods shipments supporting documents. If Certificate of Carrier Billing information not provided, bill will be returned. Government bill of lading, personal property bill of lading, transportation services order, and/or other bill of lading must be attached to SF 1113. Additional supporting documents which must be attached include: Copy of Premove Survey, Original Scale Weight Certificate(s), DD Form 619 or comparable commercial form(s) for both origin and destination, and inventory list of goods (when required by agency) to name some.
SUPPLEMENTAL BILLINGS Invoice on SF 1113 with “Supplemental Billing” clearly stated Include charges relating to one paid BL/GTR Use same bill number (with alphabetical suffix) as shown on original SF 1113 (attach copy) and attach copy of BL/TSO/GTR Attach any additional supporting documents Additional supporting documents which must be attached include:
REMEMBER… Generally, statutes of limitations for filing claims allow 3 years Keep written notes about a questionable bill to help support your claim of any oral communication Generally the statute of limitations for filing a claim for transportation charges to a Federal agency is three years following date of delivery. GSA has three years from date of payment to file a notice of overcharge. When you submit a SF 1113 and then make contact with paying office, please keep written notes of any conversations (dates, names of persons, telephone numbers, etc., regarding your bill. This will support your claim of any oral communication with the agency or GSA.
RECAP Complete applicable blocks on GBL/PPGBL/GTR with signatures/dates shown or enter like information on BL Prepare SF 1113/supplemental SF 1113 properly and send to “Bill Charges To” address Attach originals/substitute documents and supporting documents RECAP – Make sure you have completed all blocks on SF 1113 or supplemental SF 1113. Completed all appropriate blocks on government bills of lading with signatures and dates or like information entered on other bills of lading. Completed appropriate block on government transportation requests Attached original/substitute documents and all other supporting documents—especially for shipments of household goods and passenger tickets.
AUDITS’ MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES ARAP Visits Oversees Prepayment Audit Implementation and Performance Conducts Postpayment Audits to Identify Overcharges and Collect Excess Money Adjudicates claims Handles bankruptcies and litigation for the Federal agencies Maintains Transportation Electronic Audit Library Oversees Prepayment Audit Implementation and Performance for transportation services procured anywhere in the world Conducts Postpayment Audits to Identify Overcharges Collect Excess Moneys Adjudicates TSP claims Handles bankruptcies and litigation, related to TSPs, for the Federal agencies Maintains Transportation Electronic Audit Library Audit Division’s primary responsibilities are to identify overcharges and the collect those overcharges from the carrier. If in doubt, don’t pay. (piano example).
DOUBTFUL CLAIMS Mr. Carl Crea Chief, Accounts Section Transportation Audits Division (QMCAAA) General Services Administration Crystal Plaza 4, Suite 300 2200 Crystal Drive Arlington, VA 22202 703-605-9435 (FAX) 703-605-9933 E-mail: When in doubt – don’t pay – GSA will adjudicate
Reduces the chance that a duplicate payment is made Ensures that transportation services billed are authorized Guarantees amount(s) billed are correctly calculated The billing TSP is authorized A proper bill/invoice with supporting document(s) is received Ensures that all information required for a postpayment audit is annotated on the bill/invoice How many of you are NOT conducting a prepay audit – NOT SURE? Prepay audit – law – effective 10 2000 After prepay audit, the bills are sent to another contractor to find any additional overcharges that the PPA contractor missed. Why an admin review important? 1) reduces the chance that a duplicate payment is made, 2) ensures that transportation services billed are authorized, 3) guarantees amount(s) billed are correctly calculated, 4) the billing transportation service provider (TSP) is authorized, 5) a proper bill/invoice with supporting document(s) is received, and 6) ensures that all information required for a postpayment audit is annotated on the bill/invoice. Prefer originals/legible copies or substitute document and of course supporting documents to verify things like weight or accessorial services. Anyone can change an original, make a copy and submit for payment. Make sure proper documents are submitted. Going over SF 1113 review on next slide How many still use GTRs? BLANKET – tickets or itineraries. FBI example (overweight) Charges back to employee (DOJ’s have overweights – weight affects not only linehaul, but could affect other services like long carry, sit, etc) Extensions – e.g. blanket gtrs or many services (hhg)
Pay only TSP named on BL/TSO/GTR Check for duplicate payments Prompt Payment Act (see 5 CFR §1315) Notify TSP in writing Bill charges back to the employee TSP that shipment was tendered to – no confusion, no waivers, prevents dup pay DUP PAY: most agencies are “electronic” and have an edit check system. Good idea to do a manual check. (Found one agency that paid a vendor 4 times to the total tune of $75, 000) and one of those times, the TSP returned the money ! ALWAYS verify services were authorized, else, don’t pay. (admin review sheet) What happens after 7 days? 7 DAYS ! Admin review checklist (Audit Handout) (TSPs/GSA do not have access to agency accounting classifications) DO NOT return to TSP because of incorrect fiscal data or any other internal responsibility
Voucher or Schedule Number Paid Date Carrier Bill Number or Supplemental Bill Number SCAC Enter TIN “Unique” Numbers and services Certification Enter amounts and total SCAC – piano example Paid Date – court cases Verify amount Procedures concerning performance of administrative examination are provided in FMR 41 CFR 102-118.55. See Chapter 12, Payment and Submission of Transportation Bills for Audit, of the GSA handbook “U.S. Government Freight Transportation Handbook” (GSA Freight HB). Verified By RECEIPT DATE PPA STAMP
NEW OR DISCONTINUED CERTIFYING OFFICES Mrs. Mary Bates, Acting Director Transportation Audits Division (QMCA) General Services Administration Crystal Plaza 4, Suite 300 2200 Crystal Drive Arlington, VA 22202 703-605-9400 (FAX) 703-605-9933 FBCP assisting FBA w/clean up of ALC listing – centralize/decentralized, regional vs hq
Submit paid bills at the end of each account month Avoid multiple account month submissions Submit negative reports on SF 1186 Paid original preaudited transportation bills Electronic Bills Transportation purchased with Government charge card DO NOT SUBMIT tickets purchased with individual Government travel card or centrally-billed account ALL paid transportation bills: freight, hhg, grts, pos, ccards Working on some internal procedures to clean up ARTS so Audits can get true picture of what agencies are submitting and how transportation bills are paid. Negative reports – lower left hand corner
SF 1186 - Transmittal for Transportation Schedules and Related Basic Documents SF 1166 - Voucher and Schedule of Payments SF 1113 - Public Voucher for Transportation Charges Original BLs or GTRs or substitute documents All supporting documents
Make sure form reflects Herndon address DSSN or ALC Make sure form reflects Herndon address Enter “See Below” 1. Freight BLs - 1234 2. HHG BLs - 1248 3. GTRs - 1249 4. Transportation bills prepaid and added to purchase orders - None 5. Transportation paid with Government Purchase Card - None Other Remarks such as… Paid transportation bills submitted per Corinne Bachiller (GSA/FAS/QMCA). Site/Assist visit 9-2-09. ALC and updated POC info List schedule numbers Negative report This is what you need to submit: Current edition dated 8/02 (correct date) Can be found at forms website: Update POC
SF 1186 Preparation Instructions 1 – Enter the date (Month/Day/Year) the SF 1186 is prepared 2 – Enter complete name of your bureau or office 3 – Enter your agency location code (alc – e.g.00-00-0000) or Military, enter your DSN 4 – Enter your complete mailing address 5 – GSA address to send your paid transportation documents 6 – Enter the month and year the documents you will send were paid 7 – Enter number of envelopes, packages, or boxes being sent to GSA 8 – Enter number of paid transportation documents being sent 9 – Enter “see below” and list schedule numbers in “10” 10 – Enter applicable schedule numbers with each category or “None” and any other information deemed necessary (examples shown) 11 – If no transportation documents paid during the month, check the block 12 – Enter the month and year of no payment of transportation documents 13 – Enter signature of the contact person 14 thru 16 – Type or legibly print name, title and commercial phone number of contact person. Please do not use a DSN. January 2010 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1. Freight BLs 2. HHG BLs 3. GTRs 4. Transportation bills prepaid and added to purchase orders 5. Transportation paid with Government Purchase Card Copy in your handout Other remarks such as: Paid transportation bills submitted per Corinne Bachiller (GSA/FAS/QMCA). Site/Assist visit, 9-2-09 12 11 13 15 14 16
General Services Administration (SOC) Paid Document Receiving Unit 13882 Redskin Drive Herndon, VA 20171 When CBA or IBA used – Audits gets electronically. CIA example REMEMBER…. DO NOT SUBMIT tickets purchased with individual Government travel card or centrally-billed account
Transportation Audits Information www. gsa Transportation Audits Information Click on left side for “Handbooks and Regulations” for U.S. Government Freight Transportation Handbook U.S. Government Passenger Transportation Handbook Federal Management Regulation (FMR) FMR 41 CFR §102-117 (Transportation Management Regulation) FMR 41 CFR §102-118 (Transportation Payment and Audit Regulation)
Transportation Audit Information Handout Transportation/Travel Information Web Sites List Summary Sheet – Disposing of Obsolete, Spoiled, Cancelled, or Unused Accountable Documents
QUESTIONS ? Corinne Bachiller Senior Program Analyst Transportation Audits Div. (QMCA) GSA - Arlington, VA 703-605-2872 Peggie Poss Senior Program Analyst Strategic Business Management Div. (QMCB) GSA - Atlanta, GA 404-331-0559 Office of Travel and Transportation Services