Dakota Transit Association 2011 Coordination Summit April 20, 2011 Mark Hoines Planning/Civil Rights Specialist Federal Highway Administration South Dakota.


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Presentation transcript:

Dakota Transit Association 2011 Coordination Summit April 20, 2011 Mark Hoines Planning/Civil Rights Specialist Federal Highway Administration South Dakota Division Phone: Ext

What is Livability  Tying transportation to opportunities  Doing better transportation planning  Doing better design  Addressing Safety  Expanding the use of technology

Livability Principles  Provide more transportation choices  Promote equitable, affordable housing  Increase economic competiveness  Support existing communities  Leverage federal investment  Value communities and neighborhoods

Livability & Transportation Planning  Transportation Planning requirements support livability Required to plan for all modes Incorporate land use into transportation planning Access to jobs Address Environmental Justice Develop long range transportation plans Develop financial plans to fund needs

Livability & Transportation Planning Air quality conformity requirements promote transportation choices to benefit air quality Public involvement requirements foster community involvement in transportation MPO process requires a regional approach to transportation decision making

South Dakota Transportation Planning/Livability - MPO  South Dakota MPOs Sioux Falls MPO Rapid City MPO Sioux City MPO  North Dakota MPOs Bismarck – Mandan MPO Fargo – Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments Grand Forks/East Grand Forks MPO

Transportation Planning/Livability – Metropolitan Planning  Long Range Transportation Plans  Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans  Environmental Justice  Transit planning  Tying land use and transportation  Proactive Public Involvement process  Corridor Studies  Context Sensitive Solutions

Transportation Planning/Livability – Non-MPO  Statewide Transportation Planning Required for all areas of the State Similar requirements and products as the metropolitan process Must plan for all modes Develop transportation plans, program projects, conduct corridor studies, support economic development, consider environmental effects... Required to have public involvement

South Dakota Transportation Planning/Livability  SDDOT providing transportation planning funding to local communities Counties and Class One Cities (pop. > 5,000)  $ 250,000 per year available for Local Transportation Studies Locals apply to SDDOT for funding Panel reviews applications and selects studies to fund

South Dakota Transportation Planning/Livability  Studies funded Mead County Long Range Transportation Plan Deadwood Pedestrian Study “Brookings On The Move” “Move Spearfish”  Studies are addressing many of the Livability concepts Bicycle and pedestrian issues Transit issues Land use and travel demand Economic development

South Dakota Transportation Planning/Livability  Newly Identified Studies Pennington County Brown County City of Vermillion  SDDOT Contact Steve Gramm

South Dakota – Oyate Omniciciye|Oglala Lakota Plan  HUD Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant  Regional Plan for Sustainable Development Jackson, Bennett and Shannon Counties Pine Ridge Indian Reservation

North Dakota Livability Initiatives  HUD/EPA/FHWA /FEMA – Spirit Lake Reservation community relocation Devil’s Lake basin flooding Preservation of homes and businesses Agreement has not been finalized  NDDOT/Spirit Lake Nation - Low cost safety improvements NDDOT providing funding for low cost safety items such (pavement markings, signing...)

FHWA Livability Resources   South Dakota Mark Hoines Extension 3039  North Dakota Stephanie Hickman Extension 105