ADULT DAY CARE Chapter 605 Survey Overview
Required Documentation When the surveyor(s) come to survey your Adult Day Care Center, they will ask you for the following documentation:
Current census Policy and Procedures manual A list of all current staff members Personnel records Participants that self administer medications A copy of planned activities The menu for the next two weeks
The center’s Emergency Plan Quarterly Fire Drills State Fire Marshall Annual report Any documented injuries/accidents for the past year Quarterly staff in-services for the past year.
Task 1 Offsite This is the first task the surveyor has to complete. The purpose of this task is to gather specific information to determine facility characteristics and compliance history and to plan the survey. They do this task at the office and look to see what citations you received if any at the past survey and if any complaints have come in for your center.
Task 2 Entrance Conference The purpose of this task is to let you know who the surveyor is and that they will be conducting a survey at your center. They will also explain the survey process and answer any questions you may have. They will ask you to inform the participants and staff that they will be conducting interviews with them privately.
Task 3 Initial Tour The purpose of this task is to make preliminary observations of the physical plant and the participants currently in the center. They will observe participants receiving care and attending activities if there are activities being provided at that time. They will use the information to select a sample of participants for Task 4.
Task 4 Sample Selection The purpose of this task is to select a sample that reflects the overall population of the facility. In selecting this sample we consider: New admissions Physical Disabilities Special Diets Self-Administration of Medications
Participants receiving nursing interventions/special treatments Closed records Physical restraints, If concerns are identified based on the center’s noncompliance history reports, pre-survey file reviews, complaints or initial tour observations, participants may be added to the sample as needed at any time during the survey.
Task 5 Medication Administration The purpose of this task is to determine if your center has adopted written policies and procedures to ensure safe- administration of medications to participants, accountability of medications, proper handling, storage and safe disposal of all medications.
Task 6 Information Gathering This is the task where the surveyors determine compliance with regulatory requirements based on observation, record reviews and interviews. During this task, the surveyor(s) will discuss observations with team members, staff, residents and family members. They will maintain an open dialogue throughout the survey process.
Task 7 Team Analysis and Decision Making The purpose of this task is to review and analyze all information collected and to determine whether or not the center has failed to meet one or more of the regulatory requirements. Deficiency determination is a team decision with each member of the team having input. The team may consist of one or more than one surveyors.
Task 8 Exit Conference The purpose of this task is to inform the center of the survey team’s observations and preliminary findings. The surveyor/team will provide the center with a list of the participants that were sampled and explain that the participants will be referenced by number rather than name to protect the resident’s privacy.
The surveyor/team will describe the deficient practice that has been identified. The center will, during this task, provide the center with the opportunity to discuss and supply additional information they believe is pertinent to the identified findings. There should be no instances where the home is not aware of surveyor concerns due to the open dialogue that will be maintained.
At the end of the exit conference, the surveyor will explain that you will receive a written statement of deficiencies and will need to prepare a plan of correction describing how the deficient practice will be corrected.
Task 9 Documentation of Deficiencies The purpose of this task is to write the statement of deficiencies in terms specific enough to allow a person to understand the requirement(s) that the center failed to meet.
Chapter 605 Chapter 605 contains the rules and regulations that the Adult Day Care Centers are required to be in compliance with.
QUESTIONS Thank you and if you have additional questions please contact: Debbie Zamarripa ext Or Mary Fleming ext 57215