UNIT 8: CIVIL RIGHTS Week 4: group #3-6 presentations
Agenda, Monday, 3/11 Presentation #3 – Chicano/Latinos If absent, read p. 605, and complete your guided Cornell Notes sheet. HW: Summary/Analysis at the bottom of the Cornell Notes sheet: 1. Successes and failures on Latino Rights regarding Farmer’s right (Chavez) Education
Agenda Tuesday, 3/18 Presentation #4 – Women’s Movement *If you are absent, you must read the textbook to complete the Cornell Notes sheet. HW: Analyze one of the following prompts: A. Explain two different strategies ( *include the goals & successes ) used by Women to gain rights. B. How and to what extent has the US achieved equality for women?
Agenda, Block day 3/19-3/20 Presentation #5 – Gay Rights Movement *If absent, read p.616 and get the group’s PPT (uploaded) to finish your Cornell Note sheet. Discuss “busing” & Tuesday’s Lesson Elements of a civil rights movement HW: Analyze the following prompt: Explain how gay rights have progressed and what rights are people still fighting for by including at least 3 of the following Stonewall Riot Harvey Milk Proposition 8 Gays serving openly in the military Teen suicide rates
Elements of a Civil Rights Movement Directions: List examples of each of these aspects of the civil rights movements from the movements we’ve studied so far. Label each action with its group (e.g. women, African Americans, etc.) College Student involvement Raising awareness Group pride Grassroots actions Government actions taken for the group
Agenda for Friday, 3/21 Group #6 American Indian Movement
Agenda Monday, 3/24 Group #7 Disability
Agenda Tuesday, 3/25 1. rights of the elderly Are they still part of the invisible population of people experiencing discrimination? 2. increase levels of depression/suicide
Agenda Blockday, 3/26-3/27 Group #8 Muslim Rights
Agenda Friday 3/28 Vocab and key terms quiz HOT ROC: What is affirmative action? Admissions activity Debate p , if time Writing prompts: 1. Identify current civil rights issues that exist for one or more groups today. 2. To what extent was the Civil Rights Movement a success?
Be in groups of 3~4 You are the college board admission panel at Stanford (Snobfarm) You decide which students you will admit; which to put on waitlists and which to reject
Look at 4 handouts of student applications Together, decide on: 1 student to accept 1 student on waitlist 2 students to reject
Is it easy to compare students qualifications? Do you pick students who can do sth for the school? Do you pick students for whom the school can do sth?
Affirmative action = take into account a variety of criteria in admission besides scores; prioritize diversity on campus *read textbook p ( ) Divide into groups of 4~5