Module Briefing Professor Peter Wright Director of Postgraduate Taught Programmes
Clerical Matters Programme Specifications Module Choice Timetables
Degree Regulations Each taught module 15 credits Normally credits awarded only if pass mark of 50 is achieved Credit accumulation Taught modules120 (8 modules) Dissertation 60 Masters180
Programme Specifications ECNT15Business Finance and Economics ECNT02 Economics and Health Economics ECNT07Economics ECNT36Financial Economics ECNT23International Finance and Economics ECNT31Money, Banking and Finance ECNT53Finance
Programme Specifications
Module Choice: Semester One ECN6510Microeconomic Analysis ECN6520Macroeconomic Analysis ECN6540Econometric Methods ECN6570 Modern Theory of Banking and Finance ECN6580Health Economics MGT6105Modern Finance MGT6097 Corporate Finance HAR6260 Economic Evaluation of Health
Module Choice: Semester Two ECN601Applied Microeconometrics ECN602Applied Macroeconometrics ECN604Business Finance ECN605 International Trade ECN6002Development Finance ECN6530Advanced Mathematical Economics ECN6620International Money and Finance ECN6650Industrial Organisation ECN6660Monetary Economics ECN603 Asset Pricing HAR6240 Health Service Research Methods HAR694Valuing the Benefits of Health Care
Module Choice: Semester Three ECN6800MSc Dissertation HAR6012MSc Dissertation (Health)
Changing Module/Programme Add/Drop (modules) until end of week 2 in each semester Form from SSID Louise Harte signs forms Change of Degree Change of status form (SSiD) Peter Wright must sign these
University Registration Thursday 26 th September Sports Hall No.1, Goodwin Sports Centre for on-line registration at the times given opposite, and to collect your U-card U-Z S-T M-R K-L H-J C-G A-B Activity Room No.1 for Health Service Registration until 18.00
Semester Dates Autumn Semester [Intro Week 23 September - 28 September 2013] Monday30 September- Saturday 21 December 2013total 12 weeks [4 Weeks Christmas vacation] Monday20 January- Saturday 8 February 2014total 3 weeks Spring Semester Monday10 February- Saturday 5 April 2014total 8 weeks [3 weeks Easter vacation Easter Day 20 April 2014] Monday28 April-Saturday14 June 2014total 7 weeks
Week 1 Monday 30 th September Statistics RevisionMappin LT3 Thursday 3 rd October 9-11 Statistics RevisionPsychology Building, PS-LT G30 Friday 4 th OctoberEnglish Language Evaluation Mappin LT2 Lectures start next week! Please check the timetable carefully
Filling in Postgraduate Unit Form Room Sir Fredrick Mappin Building LT02 Best guess of the optional modules that you wish to choose Family name A-ICharlotte Hobson J-Q Louise Harte R-ZPeter Wright