CALTRANS DISTRICT 7’S CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Providing a safe, sustainable, integrated and efficient transportation system to enhance California’s economy and livability Carrie Bowen, District 7 Director July 23, 2014
District 7 Area Map
I-5 North and South Projects Map
I-5 South Projects Map
I-5 North Projects Map
Pavement Replacement from Vista Del Lago Road to Kern County
Truck Lanes Project
I-5 HOV Lane, SR-134 to Magnolia Boulevard
The Empire Avenue Interchange and HOV Project
I-10 Projects Map
I-10/I-605 Direct Connector
The I-405 HOV Lane is Open!
The New Gerald Desmond Bridge
Repaving Projects on I-710 and SR-60
U.S. 101 HOV Lane in Ventura County
U.S. 101/SR 23 Interchange Improvement Project
Fiscal Matters
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