Kitty Pretty Please? By: Shamara Can I have a kitten please!
Copyright ©2013 by Shamara Absolutely no one can copy this book. © 2013 Shamara Foote. Printed in Shelburne, Nova Scotia. ISBN O Duck Dynasty Incorporated Sugarland street.
I dedicate this book to my awesome book buddy!. From Shamara
One day a girl named Jonie asked her mom if she could get a kitty and the answer was NO!
You are never getting a cat said Jonies mom. Never long as your in this house :p
Everyday she asked for a kitty, she asked can I get a cat for my birthday? Wich is in 3 days. Jonie Birthday Happy
Go to bed Jonie, Goodnight. Morning came, she asked again can I get a kitty today?
Maybe tomorrow or the day after that. Maybe tomorrow or the day after that
Happy Birthday Jonie! Its your birthday today … so we are going to go birthday present shopping.. Off they go.. They arrived at the mall.
They walk in the pet store –they go right toward the kitties, am I getting one mom? Yes Jonie pick a kitty. Pet store. Come in and pick a pet!!
Okay lets take the kitty home, They arrived home and the kitty fell alseep on the mat right in front of the door.
Finally she got her own little kitty!
Comments Tayla- nice story Really cool story-Connor Cool story –caleb Lyndi- cute story, she got a kitty yay!!! Nice story I know she will like it –matt
About the author! My name is Shamara Foote I live in Jordan Bay I was born in Bridgewater on January 7 th 2001 I live with my mom, dad and sister I like to do gym when I'm in school, when I'm home I like to ride my horse and drive my 4-wheeler · Accomplishments- wining things with my horses and sheep. Major events – is 4-h