Broadband Quality of Service in Sri Lanka Test Results
Advertised Download Speed Advertised Upload Speed India Airtel512 kbps BSNL - Business2 Mbps256 kbps BSNL - Home2 Mbps256 kbps Hathway256 kbps Sri Lanka Dialog2 Mbps512 kbps SLT - Business2 Mbps512 kbps SLT - Home512 kbps128 kbps Singapore StarHub*1 Mbps256 kbps Packages tested * Partial testing
Test Results Throughput (Download speed/Upload speed) Business Packages performance in ISP domain Local domain International level Business vs. Home performance Sri Lanka vs. India/Singapore performance Delay metrics (RTT/jitter) Loss metrics (Packet Loss)
Test Results Throughput - Download speed
2 Mbps Download speed (Business Packages): Relatively healthy in ISP domain… > 75% ISP
SLT (2M/512k) Dialog (2M/512k) Download speed (Business Packages): … and does not significantly vary among different days (be it week days or weekend) ISP
2 Mbps Download speed (Business Packages): …poor in Local domain > 75% Local
SLT (2M/512k) Dialog (2M/512k) Download speed (Business Packages): …also variations are relatively higher among three days (interconnection issues?) Local
2 Mbps Download speed (Business Packages): …even poorer when accessing International sites > 75% Int’l
SLT (2M/512k)Dialog (2M/512k) Download speed (Business Packages): … that does not significantly vary across days Int’l
Download speed (SLT Business vs. SLT Home packages): …in % terms, home is better than business
Download speed (SLT Business vs. SLT Home packages): …and comparable in reaching international sites
Download speed: India and Sri Lanka (ISP Domain): Sri Lanka performs slightly better ISP > 75%
Download speed: India and Sri Lanka (Local Domain): India performs better Local > 75%
Download speed: India and Sri Lanka (accessing International servers): India looks good Int’l > 75%
Download speed Sri Lanka and Singapore (accessing International servers): Singapore wins Int’l > 75%
Test Results Throughput - Upload speeds
512 kbps Upload speed (Business packages): Somewhat healthy in ISP domain ISP > 75%
512 kbps Upload speed (Business packages): …a bit down at Local Domain Local > 75%
512 kbps Upload speed (Business packages): …and poor in accessing International sites Int’l > 75%
Upload speed (SLT Business vs. SLT Home packages): …here too in %, home is better than business, but not in actual speeds (aprox 100 kpbs) (aprox 200 kpbs)
Upload speed Sri Lanka and Singapore (accessing International sites): Singapore wins Int’l > 75%
Test Results Jitter and Packet Loss
Jitter : Sometimes not enough quality for video/high quality audio (<+10ms) but satisfactory for other apps
ISP –Week DayLocal –Week DayINT –Week Day ISP –WeekendLocal –WeekendINT –Weekend Packet Loss : Most of the times, but not always, within acceptable limits (5%)
Where is the bottleneck?
Accessing through SLT (2M/512k) NB: All IP addresses are within SL ( 65 ms 25 ms 170 ms 10 ms Local
Accessing through SLT (2M/512k) NB: Upto 5 th hop IP addresses are within SL ( 65 ms 25 ms 170 ms 10 ms Int’l
Using RTT/latency in broadband QoS regulation Local Network Latency (LNL): Round Trip Time (RTT) taken to access a national or site hosted within the country Requirement: LNL < 85ms for 95% of the peak time International Network Latency (INL) : Round Trip Time (RTT) to the first US entry point. Requirement: INL < 300ms for 95% of the peak time
Where do we stand? Package Local Network LatencyInternational Network Latency RequirementAchivementPassed?RequirementValuePassed? Airtel (512k/512k)85 ms8 ms 300 ms217 BSNL (2M/256k)85 ms191 ms 300 ms295 SLT (2M/512k)85 ms11 ms 300 ms258 ISP1 – Out: Exit from local ISP FEP: First Entry point to USA
Few points to ponder o Do we always get what is promised, especially when downloading from International sites? o Are these trends transitional or long-term? o Are Home packages better value for money than Business packages? o Can we be complacent because the situation is not too different in India? o Should we demand better QoS for Games/video? o Should we adopt Singapore standards or more stringent ones?
Thank You! Thanks to LIRNEasia team, Prof. Timothy Gonsalves and team, Ranga Kamaladasa, Sriganesh Lokanathan, Sanjana Hattotuwa, Sanath Siriwardena and all who contributed ideas/opinions in online discussions at LIRNEasia blog.