Infrastructure in Africa
ICT Indicators from ITU 2007 Main telephone lines – 3.77/100 people Mobile subscribers – 27.48/100 people Internet users – 5.34/100 people Africa has some 280 million total telephone subscribers, of which some 260 million (over 85%) are mobile cellular subscribers, representing the continent with the highest ratio of mobile to total telephone subscribers of any region in the world. (ITU World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators, 2007)
ICT Indicators from ITU 2007 It is the region with the highest mobile cellular growth rate. Growth over the past 5 years averages almost 65% year on year. It accounts for 14% of the world’s population, but for only around 7% of all fixed and mobile subscribers worldwide. It has some 50 million Internet users, for an Internet penetration of just 5%. Europe’s Internet penetration is 8 times higher. It has a broadband penetration of more than 1% in only a few countries. Broadband penetration in OECD countries exceeds 18%. (ITU World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators, 2007)
Bandwidth Costs $ 20 Kbps 2002$ 13 Kpbs 2003$ 8.90 Kbps 2004$ 5.0 Kbps 2004$ 4.2 Kbps 2005$ 2.33 Kbps Future$ 1.00 Kbps or less
What Does It Mean? The data makes it easy to apply a deficit model to project planning, but we need to start with what we have and how we can build off it OER projects must work with what is available now, not demonstrate what would be possible if only the constraints were different BUT paradoxically we must hold in our minds a vision of a radically different future from the one that current trends project – change is always surprising because it takes so much longer to happen than people think it will but happens so much quicker than they expect
What Does it Mean? OER projects will never resolve infrastructure gaps, but they can help to build demand Given all of the above, the constraint is not infrastructure, it is institutional capacity OER provides the tools to build that capacity from any starting point, and the problem is not a lack of human capacity, it is a lack of opportunity