copyright 2002 On the Throughput of Bluetooth Data Transmissions Matthew C. Valenti Assistant Professor Lane Dept. of Comp. Sci. & Elect. Eng. West Virginia University Morgantown, WV Max Robert and Jeffrey H. Reed Mobile & Portable Radio Research Group Virginia Tech Blacksburgh, VA This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research under grant N
© 2002 Motivation & Goals Motivation Why Bluetooth? Custom error control = better QoS Suitable benchmarks? QoS analysis of bottom two layers: Radio/Baseband Goal of this study To obtain analytical expressions for the maximum average throughput of Bluetooth data transmissions Can be used as a “benchmark” to compare custom error control protocols and practical receiver designs
© 2002 Overview of Talk Overview of the analysis Baseband layer analysis Exact maximum average throughput over a binary symmetric channel (BSC) Benchmark for custom error control Radio layer analysis Upper bound on throughput of noncoherent reception over AWGN and quasi-static Rayleigh fading channels Benchmark for receiver implementation Extensions of this work Custom error control in Bluetooth Analysis of other QoS parameters: delay & delay jitter
© 2002 Bluetooth Protocol Stack Application Presentation Session Transport Network Data Link Physical Applications RFCOMM/ Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) Logical Link Control & Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) Host Controller Interface (HCI) Link Manager Link Controller Baseband Radio OSI Reference Model Bluetooth
© 2002 Bluetooth Baseband Layer Physical links Asynchronous Connection-Less (ACL) Synchronous Connection Oriented (SCO) Automatic-Repeat Request (ARQ) ACL packets use a CRC code and ARQ. Stop-and-wait protocol (single-bit-flag). SCO packets do not use a CRC or ARQ. Forward Error Correction (FEC) Packets may be coded with a FEC Both ACL & SCO can use (15,10) Hamming code. SCO packets can use a triple repetition code.
© 2002 Frequency Hopping Transmissions are broken into 625 sec slots Each piconet is synchronized to the master’s clock Time-Division Duplexing (TDD) Master may only begin transmitting on even indexed slots Slaves may only begin transmitting on odd indexed slots A transmission may last for 1, 3, or 5 slots Frequency Hopping Radio hops after each transmission Does not hop during a multislot transmission Hops through 79 channels Each channel is 1 MHz wide Some countries only allow 23 channels
© 2002 ACL Packet Structure Access Code Payload Packet Header 72 bits54 bits Payload Header Payload Data CRC bits 8 or 16 bits 16 bits bits
ACL Packet Types There are 6 ACL packets that use ARQ: Packet Type Duration (slots) Payload data length (Bytes) Hamming FEC code? Peak throughput DM1117Yes108.8 kbps DH1127No172.8 kbps DM33121Yes387.2 kbps DH33183No585.6 kbps DM55224Yes477.9 kbps DH55339No723.2 kbps
© 2002 Probability of Retransmission A retransmission will occur unless all of the following events occur: S f : Destination radio synchronizes with the access code of forward packet H f : Destination radio decodes forward packet header L f : Destination radio decodes payload of fwd packet S r : Source radio synchronizes with the access code of the return packet H r : Source radio decodes the return packet header Thus the probability of retransmission is: P r ( ) = 1 – P[S f ]P[H f ]P[L f ]P[S r ]P[H r ] where is the error probability of the demodulator (BER)
© 2002 Synchronization In practice, synchronization is achieved by: Comparing the hard outputs of the demodulator with a stored copy of the 72 bit access code Synchronize if the received and stored copies of the access code agree in T bit positions T is a threshold set to an acceptable false alarm rate. Minimum Hamming distance between distinct access codes is 13, and therefore up to 6 errors can be tolerated. Thus for ML decoding, set T = 66. Therefore synchronization occurs if there are no more than 72-T bit errors:
© 2002 Decoding the Header Header is protected by (3,1) repetition code. 18 information bits (including an 8 bit CRC) 18 three bit code words (triplets) = 54 code bits Code can correct a single error per triplet Thus probability of correctly decoded header:
© 2002 Decoding the Payload High rate DH packets are uncoded and therefore require that all m bits are correct: where m=240, 1496, or 2744 Medium rate DM packets have (15,10) single- error correcting Hamming code, thus: where M=16,100, or 183 is the number of Hamming code words in the payload
© 2002 Number of Transmissions Let N be the total number of transmissions before success In order to transmit exactly N times First N-1 transmissions must fail Last transmission must succeed N is a geometric random variable w/ pmf Where it is assumed that: is the same throughout a frame (quasi-static) Channel is uncorrelated from Tx to Tx.
© 2002 Average Throughput Data rate is function of N: D is number of occupied slots (including return) D = 2 for Dx1, 4 for Dx3, or 6 for Dx5 We assume only 1 return slot (asymmetric traffic) K is number of data bits K= 136, 216, 968, 1464, 1792, or 2712 Average throughput is R avg = E N [R]
Throughput in BSC Channel Data Rate in kbps DH5 DH3 DH1 DM5 DM3 DM1
© 2002 Bluetooth Radio Layer Bluetooth uses GFSK modulation Gaussian pulse shaping BT = 0.5 Nonorthogonal frequency shift keying 0.28 h 0.35 We assume h = 0.32 1 Megabaud channel symbol rate 1 MHz occupied bandwidth Reception is normally noncoherent
© 2002 Demodulator Error Rate Because of the ISI induced by Gaussian pulse shaping, an exact expression for noncoherent detection is complicated. Highly implementation dependent Instead, we use an expression for the exact error performance of noncoherently detected FSK over full- response channels: This is a lower bound for all receiver architectures
=E s /N o in dB Data Rate in kbps DH5 DH3 DH1 DM5 DM3 DM1 Throughput in AWGN
© 2002 Quasi-Static Fading Quasi-static fading SNR remains same for entire transmission. SNR changes from transmission to transmission. Envelope may be Rayleigh, Rician, or Nakagami Good model for Bluetooth Short transmissions, uncorrelated channels Retransmission probability pdf of the SNR for Rayleigh fading
=E s /N o in dB Data Rate in kbps DH5 DH3 DH1 DM5 DM3 DM1 Throughput in Quasi-Static Rayleigh Fading
© 2002 Custom Error Control There is a seventh ACL packet type AUX1 Occupies one slot CRC & ARQ are turned off 29 bytes of payload data Can use AUX1 to transport a custom code Because ARQ shut off, data is delivered from Bluetooth device to host regardless of errors Perform FEC encoding & decoding on host computer Implement ARQ on the host computer No modification of Bluetooth standard is needed
Data Rate in kbps E s /N o in dB BCH coding bound BCH t=10 DM1 DM 3 Example: BCH Coding in AWGN
Adaptive Coding for Quasi-Static Fading E s /N o in dB Data Rate in kbps DM1 DM3 DM5 DH5 BCH10 Adaptive BCH Fully Adaptive
© 2002 Application of Turbo Codes to Bluetooth Turbo codes are capable of achieving near capacity performance. Technical challenges: Long block lengths needed Soft-decision decoding is desirable Solutions: Rate Compatible Turbo Codes (RCPT) Start with a rate ⅓ turbo code 1 frame of data = 4 Bluetooth AUX1 packets There are 8 packets of parity information Only transmit parity as needed “Pseudo” soft-decision decoding Use the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI)
throughput (kbps) E s /N o in dB TC4 w/ RSSI TC4 no RSSI DM1 DM3 DM5 Performance of Turbo Coded Bluetooth in AWGN
Other QoS Parameters Delay If packet is transmitted N times, then the delay is =(DN)(625 x 10-6) Average delay is mean of Delay jitter is standard deviation of
E s /N o in dB Avg. delay in msec TC4 w/ RSSI TC4 no RSSI DM1 DM3 DM5
E s /N o in dB Delay jitter in msec TC4 w/ RSSI TC4 no RSSI DM1 DM3 DM5
© 2002 Conclusion Throughput of Bluetooth can be obtained analytically Exact at the baseband layer Upper bound at the radio layer Analysis can be extended to other QoS parameters Average latency & latency jitter Residual error rate (after timeout) Provides a benchmark Compare custom error control codes Compare receiver implementations Further work More exact expression for BER of demodulator Implement custom coding using AUX1 packet