PRESENTATION FRAMEWORK Background and Introduction The USPF E-Learning Projects School Access Project (SAP) Tertiary Institutions Access Project (TIAP) E-Library Project Summary and Conclusion
Background and Introduction The Universal Service Provision Fund (USPF) was established by the Nigerian Communications Act 2003 It was established with the specific mandate to facilitate the extension of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Network Services to the rural, un-served and underserved areas of the country The USPF became operational in 2006 In order to deliver on its mandate, the USPF developed a number of objectives and goals in its first five year Strategic Management Plan (SMP) that covered the fiscal period from 2007 to 2011
The USPF E-Learning Projects One of the goals in the first Strategic Management Plan of the USPF is CONNECTIVITY FOR DEVELOPMENT (C4D) Under this goal, a number of initiatives have been embarked upon by the Fund to achieve the e-learning objectives The USPF initiatives/projects that facilitate e-learning include the following: 1. The School Access Project (SAP) 2. The Tertiary Institutions Access Project (TIAP) 3. The E-Library Project
SCHOOL ACCESS PROJECT (SAP) PROJECT OBJECTIVE: The main objective of the School Access Project is to promote the availability of broadband internet connection of government secondary schools in underserved, un-served and rural areas of the country. COMPONENTS OF THE SAP PROJECT The USPF SAP Project involves the provision of the following ICT tools and services to government secondary schools: 100 classmate personal computers for students 2 laptop computers for teachers A server with UPS VSAT equipment 3KVA solar power backup One year bandwidth subscription of 512/128 kbps Two printers Training of technology champions in the schools
SCHOOLS ACCESS PROJECT PAST AND PRESENT Under the first Strategic Management Plan (2007 – 2011), the USPF has been implementing the SAP project over the fiscal years As at today, 766 secondary schools nationwide have been connected through the School Access Project Currently, 387 secondary schools are being connected Under the 2007 and 2008 budget years, each SAP beneficiary school was provided with 5KVA generator However, at the instance of the Federal Executive Council, the 5KVA generator was changed to 3KVA solar power solution beginning from the 2009 budget year
TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS ACCESS PROJECT (TIAP) PROJECT OBJECTIVE: The main objective of the TIAP project is to facilitate the development of digital lifestyle in tertiary institutions and also enhance teaching and research within the higher education communities in Nigeria COMPONENTS OF THE TIAP PROJECT o The USPF TIAP project involves the provision of the following ICT tools and services: 100 desktop computers v UPS 1 server 100 computer chairs Two printers VSAT equipment One year bandwidth subscription of 512/128 kbps
TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS ACCESS PROJECT PAST AND PRESENT Under the TIAP project, the USPF has connected Nigerian universities, polytechnics and colleges of education nationwide As at today, one hundred and ninety three (193) tertiary institutions have been connected Eleven (11) tertiary institutions are currently being connected under the TIAP project
E-LIBRARY PROJECT PROJECT OBJECTIVE: The main objective of the e-library project is to provide the platform for online access to a wealth of educational materials on a wide range of subjects in order to facilitate the building of an e- society in Nigeria and also promote digital lifestyle among the citizenry COMPONENTS OF THE E-LIBRARY PROJECT The e-library project involves the provision of the following ICT tools and services for each beneficiary public library: 50 desktop computers 2 server systems with backup UPS 2 printers Computer desks and chairs 3 Air Conditioners Library software VSAT equipment One year bandwidth subscription of 512/512 kbps connectivity speed Copier 2 scanners 60 KVA generator 50 UPS power backup
E-LIBRARY PROJECT STRUCTURE AND STATUS A total of seventy-four (74) libraries have been earmarked to benefit from the USPF e-library project nationwide There are two (2) sites per state including the FCT to serve as the access points and a data centre domiciled in Abuja The e-library is designed to provide the platform for online fully cross-searchable portal for the display of library documents and unlimited access to a wealth of knowledge on a wide range of developmental issues The e-library project is presently being implemented by the Universal Service Provision Fund
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION The USPF has from the onset identified the need for e- learning and made provisions for e-learning projects within its Strategic Management Plan and the Annual Operational Plans Over the years (2007 to date), the USPF has implemented various e-learning initiatives in order to assist in bridging the digital divide in secondary schools, tertiary institutions and communities in Nigeria The USPF continues to recognize the role of e-learning in promoting socio-economic development of the Nigerian nation To this end, the USPF is considering more e-learning initiatives for future implementation under its new proposed Strategic Management Plan.