1CMDTC1858 Len Rice, MS22 (951) CORONA
2CMDTC1858 CPR Process Update Len Rice MS22 6 May 09
3CMDTC1858 Calibration Problem Reports (CPRs) Types of CPRs Received Unsupported Models Result of full logistic support not established before TMDE is fielded (e.g. calibration support) Similar to supported model: Add to ICP Instrument Calibration Procedure Related Calibration support established Technical Questions/Problems with the ICP Other Policy related METRL Questions/Problems
4CMDTC1858 FY08 IMPROVEMENTS NAVSEA METCAL Technical Assistance Coordinator (TAC): Gary Reid, NSWC Corona Calibration Problems/Issues routed to the TAC CPRs s Phone calls
5CMDTC1858 CPR IMPROVEMENT PROCESS Established a Technical Assistance Coordinator to review all CPR’s and separate problems into 2 categories: engineering/non-engineering Answer all received CPR’s within 14 working days of receipt. Answer technical problems quickly when possible Provide an response to submitting calibration lab To notify that CPR has been received and review is in process To provide answers to CPR Technical Assistance Coordinator provides direct 2-way communication on technical problems before detailed information is lost over time. Call back within 24 hours M-F for clarification/details on problem Answer question or provide further direction within 72 hours M-F CPRs still needed for problems requiring engineering support or for answer to be posted on website
6CMDTC1858 TAC CPR PROCESS CPR PROCESS: When a NAVSEA calibration activity submits a CPR to NSWC Corona it will be assigned to the TAC (excluding unsupported model CPRs). Unsupported model CPRs will be assigned to the NSWC Corona, Seal Beach Det first for TMDE Technical Agent response. If the TAC can answer the CPR, the following possibilities exist: Disagrees with the CPR findings to submitting lab with amplifying remarks Close CPR Agrees with the CPR Add item to METRL Change METRL entry Add to an ICP Lab to develop Local Calibration Guidance (LCG) Lab to develop and submit an Local Calibration Procedure (LCP) After action is initiated: submitting calibration lab with findings, and Close CPR
7CMDTC1858 TAC CPR PROCESS If the TAC can not answer the CPR, forward the CPR to: Corona Metrology Engineering for engineering investigation and resolution Management for policy questions The TAC will send an to the submitting calibration lab with the status of the CPR when the TAC is finished with this part of the CPR process regardless of the determination of the CPR.
8CMDTC1858 TAC PROCESS Technical Assistance requests When a NAVSEA calibration lab submits a technical assistance request via , the TAC will: Review the request and decide if he can answer the request in a short , or if the lab should submit a CPR. If the TAC determines that the issue is involved enough or is important enough for all labs to be able to review, then the lab will be asked to submit a CPR.
9CMDTC1858 TAC PHONE PROCESS Phone Technical Assistance Requests When a NAVSEA Calibration Lab phones a technical assistance request the TAC will: Attempt to resolve the problem on the phone Determine if the problem is too large or complicated to be handled on the phone, or that it requires an or a CPR to be resolved Instruct the Calibration Lab to either the request or send in a CPR for the problem.
10CMDTC1858 FY08 TAC CPR Status l All FY08 CPRs reviewed by the TAC l CPRs from previous fiscal years also reviewed (Later CPRs first) l FY08 CPRs –Received262 –Completed 629 – In Work 90
11CMDTC1858 FY09 TAC CPR Status l Continue review CPRs from previous fiscal years (Later CPRs first) l Priority on current FY CPRs l FY09 CPR Status as of 15 April 2009: –Received428 –Completed 735 –In Work 50
12CMDTC1858 CPR Process Update l Questions/Comments? NAVSEA METCAL TAC: Gary Reid (619)
13CMDTC1858 CPR Process Update BACKUP SLIDES
14CMDTC1858 TAC CPR PROCESS l When submitting a CPR we ABSOLUTELY NEED to have all reference documentation for the TI. (i.e.. Specs, performance test from tech manual, etc.). l All additions or changes to the METRL requires technical data to be provided with the change request. l Please scan and all reference documentation to and
15CMDTC1858 TAC CPR PROCESS Please ensure that the contact information ( address, phone numbers etc.) for the Calibration Lab is correct on the CPR forms prior to submitting it. This is the address we use to inform you that we have received and are working on the CPR. Also, this is the address or phone number we use if we need to contact the lab for additional information.
16CMDTC1858 TAC CPR PROCESS Do not submit CPRs or call TAC for: Adding standards to NCE: Use CALSAL Change Request (CR) Standards Allowancing Changes: Use CALSAL CR Any instrument that is NCR per METRL Section 1 guidance Any instrument that can be calibrated using general guidance in METRL Section 1 Any instrument with model number options different from the supported model in METRL that does not impact the calibration being performed Do not submit CPRs for Policy Issues: Call or the TAC or NSWC Corona MS22