Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 0 Overview 1.Position of Intermediate code generator parser Token stream static checker Syntax tree Intermedi.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 0 Overview 1.Position of Intermediate code generator parser Token stream static checker Syntax tree Intermedi ate code generator Syntax tree Intermediate code Code generator

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 0 Overview 2.Benefits for using a machine-independent intermediate form Retargeting is facilitated A machine-independent code optimizer can be applied to the intermediate representation.

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 0 Overview 3.Implementation of Intermediate code generator Syntax-directed translation, folded into parsing –Top-down parsing –Bottom-up parsing

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 1.Intermediate representations –Syntax tree (Graphical representation of statements) Abstract Syntax Tree Parsing Tree Directed acyclic graph(DAG) –Postfix notation –Three-address code –Quadruple

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 2.Three-address code(TAC) A sequence of statements of the general form x= y op z Notes: 1)Here, x,y,z are names, constants, or compiler- generated temporaries; op stands for any operator 2)There is only one operator on the right side of a statement 3) Three address code is a linearized representation of a syntax tree or a DAG in which explicit names correspond to the interior nodes of the graph 4) Each three-address code statement contains three addresses, two for the operands and one for the result

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 3. Types of TAC –X=y op z –X=op y –X=y –goto L –If x relop y goto L –param x call p,n return y

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 3. Types of TAC –x=y[i] x[i]=y –x=&y /*the value of x is the location of y*/ x=*y *x=y

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 4.Syntax-directed Translation into TAC –We can use S-attributed definition to generate three-address code for assignment statement. –We create a new name every time a temporary is needed.

Production Semantic Rules S  id=E S.code=E.code||gen( ‘=’ E  E 1 +E 2; E.code=E 1.code||E 2.code|| gen(,’=’,E ‘+’ E E  id E.code=‘’

Production Semantic Rules S  while E do S 1 S.begin=newlabel(); S.after=newlabel(); S.code=gen(S.begin ‘:’)||E.code|| gen(‘if’ ‘=‘ ‘0’ ‘goto’ S.after) || S 1.code || gen(‘goto’ S.begin) || gen(S.after ‘:’)

Production Semantic Rules S  if E then S 1 S.after=newlabel(); S.code=E.code|| gen(‘if’ ‘=‘ ‘0’ ‘goto’ S.after) || S 1.code || gen(S.after ‘:’)

Production Semantic Rules S  if E then S 1 S.after=newlabel(); else S 2 E.false=newlabel(); S.code=E.code|| gen(‘if’ ‘=‘ ‘0’ ‘goto’ E.false) || S 1.code || gen(‘goto’ S.after) || gen(E.false ‘:’) || S 2.code || gen(S.after ‘:’)

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 5.Addressing array elements 1)One-dimensional array Addr(A[i])=base+(i-low)*w=i*w+(base-low*w) Notes:1)Here, we assume the width of each array element is w and the start address of the array block is base. 2)The array is defined as array[low..upper] of type 3)The sub-expression c=base-low*w can be evaluated when the declaration of the array is seen and we assume that c is saved in the symbol table entry for the array.

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 5.Addressing array elements 2)two-dimensional array (1)row-major form Addr(A[i1, i2])= base+((i1-low1)*n2+i2-low2)*w =(i1*n2+i2)*w+base-(low1*n2+low2)*w Where n2=upper2-low2+1 t1=low1*n2 t2=t1+low2 t3=t2*w t4=base-t3 t5=i1*n2 t6=t5+i2 t7=t6*w t4[t7]=x x=t4[t7] (2) column-major form

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 5.Addressing array elements 3)n-dimensional array Array[l 1 :u 1,, l 2 :u 2,… l n :u n ] Let d i =u i -l i +1,i=1,2,…n, the width of each dimension is m D=a+((i 1 -l 1 )d 2 d 3 …d n + (i 2 -l 2 )d 3 d 4 …d n + (i n-1 -l n-1 )d n + (i n -l n ))m Change into D=conspart+varpart conspart=a-C C=((…(l 1 d 2 +l 2 )d 3 + l 3 ) d 3 …+ l n-1 ) d n + l n )m varpart= ((…(i 1 d 2 +i 2 )d 3 + i 3 ) d 3 …+ i n-1 ) d n + i n )m

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 6.Short-circuit code of Boolean expressions Translate a boolean expression into intermediate code without evaluating the entire expression.

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 7. Translation methods of Flow of control statements in Short-circuit code 1)Associate E with two labels E.true –The label to which control flows if E is true E.false –The label to which control flows if E is false

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 7. Translation methods of Flow of control statements in Short-circuit code 2)Associate S with a label –Following S.code is a jump to some label

Production Semantic Rules S  if E then S1 E.true=newlabel();;; S.code=E.code ||gen(E.true ‘:’) ||S1.code S  if E then S1 else S2 E.true=newlabel(); E.false=newlabel(); S.code=E.code ||gen(E.true ‘:’) ||S1.code||gen(‘goto’|| gen(E.false ‘:’)||S2.code

Production Semantic Rules S  while E do S1 S.begin=newlabel(); E.true=newlabel();; S.code=gen(S.begin ‘:’)||E.code ||gen(E.true ‘:’) ||S1.code||gen(‘goto’ S.begin)

Production Semantic Rules E  E1 or E2 E1.true=E.true; E1.false=newlabel(); E2.true=E.true; E2.false=E.false E.code=E1.code ||gen(E1.false ‘:’) ||E2.code E  E1 and E2 E1.true=newlabel(); E1.false=E.false; E2.true=E.true; E2.false=E.false E.code=E1.code ||gen(E1.true ‘:’) ||E2.code E  id1 relop id2 E.code=gen(‘if’ relop.op ‘goto’ E.true)||gen(‘goto’ E.false)

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 7. Translation methods of Flow of control statements in Short-circuit code 3)Examples (1)a<b or c<d and e<f if a<b goto Ltrue goto L1 L1:if c<d goto L2 goto Lfalse L2:if e<f goto Ltrue goto Lfalse Here, we assume that the true and false exits for the entire expression are Ltrue and Lfalse respectively

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 1 Intermediate languages 7. Translation methods of Flow of control statements in Short-circuit code 3)Examples (2)while a<b do if c<d then x=y+z else x=y-z L1: if a<b goto L2 goto Lnext L2: if c<d goto L3 goto L4 L3:t1=y+z x=t1 goto L1 L4:t2=y-z x=t2 goto L1 Lnext:

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 2 Backpatching 1.Why and what is backpatching? When generating code for boolean expressions and flow- of-control statements, we may not know the labels that control must go to. We can get around this problem by generating a series of branching statement with the targets of the jumps temporarily left unspecified. Each such statement will be put on a list of goto statements whose labels will be filled in when the proper label can be determined. This subsequent filling in of labels is called backpatching

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 2 Backpatching 2.Functions to manipulate lists of labels related to backpatching Makelist(i) –Creates a new list containing only i, an index into the array of TAC instructions; makelist returns a pointer to the list it has made. Merge(p1,p2) –Concatenates the lists pointed to by p1 and p2, and returns a pointer to the concatenated list. Backpatch(p,i) –Inserts i as the target label for each of the statements on the list pointed to by p.

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 2 Backpatching 3.Boolean expression 1)Modify the grammar E  E A E | E 0 E | not E | (E) | i | E a rop E a E A  E and E 0  E or 2)Semantic Rules (1) E  i {ETC=NXINSTR; EFC=NXINSTR+1; GEN( ‘if’ ‘<>0’ ‘goto 0’); GEN(‘goto 0’)}

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 2 Backpatching 3.Boolean expression 2)Semantic Rules (2) E  E a rop E b {ETC=NXINSTR; EFC=NXINSTR+1; GEN( ‘if’ E rop.op E ‘goto 0’ ); GEN(‘goto 0’)} (3) E  (E (1) ) {ETC= E (1)TC; EFC= E (1)FC} (4) E  not E (1) {ETC= E (1)FC; EFC= E (1)TC}

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 2 Backpatching 3.Boolean expression 2)Semantic Rules (5)E A  E (1) and {BACKPATCH(E (1)TC,NXINSTR); E A FC= E (1)FC;} (6) E  E A E (2) {ETC= E (2) TC; EFC=MERG(E A FC,E (2) FC}

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 2 Backpatching 3.Boolean expression 2)Semantic Rules (7)E 0  E (1) or {BACKPATCH(E (1) FC,NXINSTR); E 0 TC= E (1) TC;} (8) E  E 0 E (2) {EFC= E (2) FC; ETC=MERG(E 0 TC,E (2) TC}

Translate A and B or not C # E A i or not C# -2--# E A B or not C# 2.(j,-,-(5))-2--1-#E and B or not C# 1.(jnz,a,-,(3))-2#E and B or not C# -- #i and B or not C# --# A and B or not C# TACFCTCSYMINPUT

TACFCTCSYMINPUT 3.(jnz,B, -,0) - 2 4 -- 3 # E A E or not C # success -5-5 -6-6 #E # 6.(j, -, -,3) -- 5 - 3 6 # E 0 E # 5.(jnz,C, -,0) --- 6 -3-5-3-5 # E 0 not E # -----3---3-- # E 0 not i # ----3--3- # E 0 not C # ---3-3 # E 0 not C # -4--4--3--3- #E or or not C # 4.(j, -, - (5)) -4-4 -3-3 #E or not C #

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 2 Backpatching 4.Flow of control statements 1)modify the grammar S  if E then S (1) else S (2)  C  if E then T  C S (1) else S  T S (2) S  if E then S (1)  C  if E then S  C S (1)

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 2 Backpatching 4.Flow of control statements 2) Semantic Rules C  if E then {BACKPATCH(ETC,NXINSTR); CCHAIN=EFC;} T  C S (1) else {q=NXINSTR; GEN(‘goto 0’); BACKPATCH(CCHAIN,NXINSTR); T CHAIN=MERG(S (1)CHAIN,q)} S  T S (2) {SCHAIN=MERG(TCHAIN,S (2)CHAIN)} S  C S (1) {SCHAIN=MERG(CCHAIN,S (1)CHAIN)}

If a then if b then A:=2 else A:=3 Else if c then A=4 Else a=5 (1)(jnz,a,_,(3)) (2)(j,_,_,0) (3)(jnz,b,_,(5)) (4)(j,_,_,0) CaCHAIN->2 CbCHAIN->4 (5)(:=,2,_,A)

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 2 Backpatching 4.Flow of control statements 3) While statement S  while E do S (1)  W  while W d  W E do S  W d S (1)

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 2 Backpatching 4.flow of control statements 3) While statement W  while {WLABEL=NXINSTR} W d  W E do {BACKPATCH(ETC,NXINSTR); W dCHAIN=EFC; W dLABEL=WLABEL;} S  W d S (1) {BACKPATCH(S (1)CHAIN, W dLABEL); GEN(‘goto’ W dLABEL); S CHAIN= W dCHAIN}

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 2 Backpatching 4.flow of control statements 3) While statement Code of E Code of S (1) S.CHAIN

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 1.Implementations of three-address statements Quadruples –(op, arg1,arg2,result) Triples –(n) (op,arg1,arg2) –(m) (op,(n),arg) Notes: A three-address statement is an abstract form of intermediate codes

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 2.Advantages of quadruples Easy to generate target code Good for optimizing

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 3 、 Assignment statements with only id 1) functions NEWTEMP() GEN(OP,ARG 1,ARG 2,RESULT) 2)Semantic rules for quadruple code generation

(1)A  i=E {GEN(=, EPLACE,_, i.entry} (2)E  -E (1) {T=NEWTEMP(); E (1)PLACE,_,T); EPLACE =T } (3)E  E (1) *E (2) {T=NEWTEMP(); GEN(*, E (1)PLACE, E (2)PLACE,T); EPLACE =T } (4)E  E (1) + E (2) {T=NEWTEMP(); GEN(+, E (1)PLACE, E (2)PLACE,T); EPLACE =T } (5)E  (E (1) ) {EPLACE =E (1)PLACE } (6)E  i {EPLACE = i.entry}

iputSYMPLACEquadruples A=-B*(C+D)# =-B*(C+D)#i - -B*(C+D)#i= -- B*(C+D)#i=- --- *(C+D)#i=-i --- *(C+D)#i=-E --- B *(C+D)#i=E -- T 1 -,T 1 ) (C+D)#i=E* -- T 1 - C+D)#i=E*( -- T 1 -- +D)#i=E*(i -- T 1 -- C +D)#i=E*(E -- T 1 -- C

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 4.The translation scheme for addressing array elements 1) grammar A  V:=E V  i[Elist] | i Elist  Elist,E | E E  E op E | (E) | V

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 4.The translation scheme for addressing array elements 2) Rewriting of the grammar A  V:=E V  Elist] | i Elist  Elist (1),E | i[ E E  E op E | (E) | V Notes: This rewriting aims that the various dimensional limits n j of the array be available as we group index expressions into an Elist.

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 4.The translation scheme for addressing array elements 3) semantic variables ARRAY DIM PLACE OFFSET

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 4.The translation scheme for addressing array elements 4) Translation code (1)A  V=E {if (VOFFSET=null) GEN(=,E PLACE,_,VPLACE); else GEN([ ]=,EPLACE,_,VPLACE[VOFFSET])}

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples (2)E  E (1) op E (2) {T=NEWTEMP(); GEN(op, E (1) PLACE, E (2) PLACE,T); E PLACE =T} (3)E  (E (1) ) {E PLACE = E (1) PLACE} (4)E  V {if (VOFFSET=null) E PLACE = V PLACE; else {T=NEWTEMP(); GEN(=[ ], E PLACE[V OFFSET],_,T); E PLACE =T;}}

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples (5)V  Elist] {if (TYPE[ARRAY]<>1) {T=NEWTEMP(); GEN(*,ElistPLACE,TYPE[ARRAY],T); Elist PLACE=T;} V OFFSET=Elist PLACE; T=NEWTEMP(); GEN(-,HEAD[ARRAY],CONS[ARRAY],T); V PLACE=T} (6)V  i {V PLACE=ENTRY[i]; V OFFSET=null}

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples (7)Elist  Elist (1),E {T=NEWTEMP(); k= Elist (1) DIM+1; d k =LIMIT(Elist (1) ARRAY,k); GEN(*,Elist (1) PLACE, d k,T); T 1 =NEWTEMP(); GEN(+,T,E PLACE, T 1 ); ElistARRAY= Elist (1) ARRAY; ElistPLACE= T 1 ; ElistDIM=k;

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples (8)Elist  i[ E {ElistPLACE=EPLACE; ElistDIM=1; ElistARRAY=ENTRY(i)}

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples E.g. Let A be an array:ARRAY[1:10,1:20]; the address of the beginning of the array is a, m=1. We can get C by the computing: (low1*n2+low2)*m=(1*20+1)*1=21 The quadruples for X=A[I,J] are: (1) (*,I,20,T 1 ) (2) (+, T 1,J, T 2 ) (3) (-,a,21, T 3 ) (4) (=[ ], T 3 [T 2 ],_, T 4 ) (5) (=, T 4,_,X)

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 5.Boolean expressions 1)Primary purposes of boolean expressions –Compute logical values –Used as conditional expressions in statements that alter the flow of control,such as if or while statements. 2)Grammar –E  E and E | E or E | not E | (E) | i | E a rop E a

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 5.Boolean expressions 3).Numerical representation (1)E  E a (1) rop E a (2) {T=NEWTEMP(); GEN(rop, E a (1)PLACE, E a (2)PLACE,T); EPLACE =T } (2)E  E (1) bop E (2) {T=NEWTEMP(); GEN(bop, E (1)PLACE, E (2)PLACE,T); EPLACE =T }

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 5.Boolean expressions 3).Numerical representation (3)E  not E (1) {T=NEWTEMP; GEN( not, E (1)PLACE, _,T); EPLACE =T } (4)E  (E (1) ) {EPLACE =E (1)PLACE } (5)E  i {EPLACE = ENTRY(i)}

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 5.Boolean expressions 3).Numerical representation E.g. X+Y>Z or A and (not B or C) (+,X,Y,T 1 ) ;E+E (>, T 1,Z, T 2 ) ; E >E (not,B,_, T 3 ) ; not E (or, T 3,C, T 4 ) ; E or E (and,A, T 4,T 5 ) ; E and E (or, T 2, T 5, T 6 ) ; E or E

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 5.Boolean expressions 4).Short-circuit code Translate a boolean expression into intermediate code without evaluating the entire expression. Represent the value of an expression by a position in the code sequence.

E.g. if A or B<D then S 1 else S 2 (1)(jnz,A,_,(5)) ;E.true, to S 1 (2)(j,__,(3)) ;E.false, look at the right of or (3)(j<,B,D,(5)) ;E a.true, to S 1 (4)(j,_,_,(P+1)) ; E a.false, to S 2 (5) S 1 …… (P)(j,_,_,(q)) ;jump over S 2 (p+1) S 2 …… (q)the code after S 2

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 6.BackPatching 1).Functions to manipulate lists of labels related to backpatching Makelist(i) –Creates a new list containing only i, an index into the array of quadruples; makelist returns a pointer to the list it has made. Merge(p1,p2) Backpatch(p,i)

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 6.Backpatching 2).Boolean expression (1)Modify the grammar E  E A E | E 0 E | not E | (E) | i | E a rop E a E A  E and E 0  E or (2)Semantic Rules (1) E  i {ETC=NXQ; EFC=NXQ+1; GEN(jnz,ENTRY(i),_,0); GEN(j,_,_,0)}

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 6.Backpatching 2).Boolean expression (2)Semantic Rules (2) E  E a rop E a {ETC=NXQ; EFC=NXQ+1; GEN(jrop, E a (1)PLACE, E a (2)PLACE,0); GEN(j,_,_,0)} (3) E  (E (1) ) {ETC= E (1)TC; EFC= E (1)FC} (4) E  not E (1) {ETC= E (1)FC; EFC= E (1)TC}

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 6.Backpatching 2).Boolean expression (2)Semantic Rules (5)E A  E (1) and {BACKPATCH(E (1)TC,NXQ); E A FC= E (1)FC;} (6) E  E A E (2) {ETC= E (2) TC; EFC=MERG(E A FC,E (2) FC}

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 6.Backpatching 2).Boolean expression (2)Semantic Rules (7)E 0  E (1) or {BACKPATCH(E (1) FC,NXQ); E 0 TC= E (1) TC;} (8) E  E 0 E (2) {EFC= E (2) FC; ETC=MERG(E 0 TC,E (2) TC}

Translate A and B or not C # E A i or not C# -2--# E A B or not C# 2.(j,-,-(5))-2--1-#E and B or not C# 1.(jnz,a,-,(3))-2#E and B or not C# -- #i and B or not C# --# A and B or not C# quadrupleFCTCSYMINPUT

quadrupleFCTCSYMINPUT 3.(jnz,B, -,0) - 2 4 -- 3 # E A E or not C # success -5-5 -6-6 #E # 6.(j, -, -,3) -- 5 - 3 6 # E 0 E # 5.(jnz,C, -,0) --- 6 -3-5-3-5 # E 0 not E # -----3---3-- # E 0 not i # ----3--3- # E 0 not C # ---3-3 # E 0 not C # -4--4--3--3- #E or or not C # 4.(j, -, - (5)) -4-4 -3-3 #E or not C #

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 6.Backpatching 3) Flow of control statements (1) modify the grammar S  if E then S (1) else S (2)  C  if E then T  C S (1) else S  T S (2) S  if E then S (1)  C  if E then S  C S (1)

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 6.Backpatching 3) Flow of control statements (2) Semantic Rules C  if E then {BACKPATCH(ETC,NXQ); CCHAIN=EFC;} T  C S (1) else {q=NXQ; GEN(j, -, - 0); BACKPATCH(CCHAIN,NXQ); T CHAIN=MERG(S (1)CHAIN,q)} S  T S (2) {SCHAIN=MERG(TCHAIN,S (2)CHAIN)} S  C S (1) {SCHAIN=MERG(CCHAIN,S (1)CHAIN)}

e.g. If a then if b then A:=2 else A:=3 Else if c then A=4 Else a=5 (1) (jnz,a,_,0) (2) (j,_,_,0)

If a then if b then A:=2 else A:=3 Else if c then A=4 Else a=5 (1)(jnz,a,_,(3)) (2)(j,_,_,0) (3)(jnz,b,_,0) (4)(j,_,_,0) CaCHAIN->2

If a then if b then A:=2 else A:=3 Else if c then A=4 Else a=5 (1)(jnz,a,_,(3)) (2)(j,_,_,0) (3)(jnz,b,_,(5)) (4)(j,_,_,0) CaCHAIN->2 CbCHAIN->4 (5)(:=,2,_,A)

If a then if b then A:=2 else A:=3 Else if c then A=4 Else a=5 (1)(jnz,a,_,(3)) (2)(j,_,_,0) (3)(jnz,b,_,(5)) (4)(j,_,_,(7)) (5)(:=,2,_,A) CaCHAIN->2 CbCHAIN->6 (6)(j,_,_,0)

Answer (1)(jnz,a,_,(3)) (8)(j,_,_,6) (2)(j,_,_,(9)) (9)(jnz,c,_,(11)) (3)(jnz,b,_,(5)) (10)(j,_,_,(13)) (4)(j,_,_,(7)) (11)(:=,4,_,A) (5)(:=,2,_,A) (12)(j,_,_,8) (6)(j,_,_,0) (13)(:=,5,_,A) (7)(:=,3,_,A) SCHAIN->6->8->12

a b S1(A:=2) S2(A:=3) c S3(A:=4) S4(A:=5) TRUE FALSE 1,2 3, ,

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 6.Backpatching 4) While statement S  while E do S (1)  W  while W d  W E do S  W d S (1)

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 6.Backpatching 4) While statement W  while {WQUAD=NXQ} W d  W E do {BACKPATCH(ETC,NXQ); W dCHAIN=EFC; W dQUAD=WQUAD;} S  W d S (1) {BACKPATCH(S (1)CHAIN, W dQUAD); GEN(j,_,_, W dQUAD); S CHAIN= W dCHAIN}

Chapter 8 Intermediate code generation Section 3 Quadruples 6.Backpatching 4) While statement Code of E Code of S (1) S.CHAIN

e.g. While (A<B) do if (C<D) then X:=Y+Z;  (100) (j<,A,B,0) (101)(j,_,_,0)

e.g. While (A<B) do if (C<D) then X:=Y+Z;  : (100) (j<,A,B,(102)) (101)(j,_,_,0) (102)(j<,C,D,0) (103)(j,_,_,(100))

e.g. While (A<B) do if (C<D) then X:=Y+Z;  : (100) (j<,A,B,(102)) (101)(j,_,_,0) (102)(j<,C,D,(104)) (103)(j,_,_,(100)) (104)(+,Y,Z,T 1 ) (105)(:=, T 1,_,X)

e.g. While (A<B) do if (C<D) then X:=Y+Z;  : (100) (j<,A,B,(102)) (106)(j,_,_,(100)) (101)(j,_,_,(107)) (102)(j<,C,D,(104)) (103)(j,_,_,(100)) (104)(+,Y,Z,T 1 ) (105)(:=, T 1,_,X)