Plattsburgh City Schools SUNY Plattsburgh Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and Cornell University Economic and Demographic Report
Project Description City of Plattsburgh School District asked for detailed data for use in facilities and staff planning School Board and business manager using data; plan to repeat research in net several years Economic and Demographic Report: SUNY Plattsburgh Technical Assistance Center (TAC)
Demographics Gender, age, race, household size, population, housing stock, labor force, income and poverty levels Health insurance coverage rates, births by school districts Economic and Demographic Report: SUNY Plattsburgh Technical Assistance Center (TAC)
Economic and Demographic Report: SUNY Plattsburgh Technical Assistance Center (TAC) Employment/Wages Employment, employment by industry, industry projections, unemployment Location quotients by industry, wage comparisons
Economic and Demographic Report: SUNY Plattsburgh Technical Assistance Center (TAC) Employment/Wages Clinton County Employment Growth by Industry (June ) Source: New York State Department of Labor - Current Employment by Industry, 2009 IndustryPercent Change Retail Trade9.2% Publishing Industries (Except Internet)6.6% Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing6.4% Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation5.4% Water transportation5.3% Support Activities for Transportation4.2% Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction2.9% Couriers and Messengers2.9% Amusement, Gambling and Recreation Industries2.7% IndustryPercent Change Administrative and Support Services2.6% Ambulatory Health Care Services2.6% Nursing and Residential Care Facilities2.6% Apparel Manufacturing2.5% Construction2.4% Construction of Buildings2.4% Specialty Trade Contractors2.3% Museums, Historical Sites, and Similar Institutions2.2% Social Assistance2.1%
Economic and Demographic Report: SUNY Plattsburgh Technical Assistance Center (TAC) IndustryLocation Quotient Hospitals1.48 Nursing and Residential Care Facilities1.45 Non-store Retailers1.45 Building Material and Garden Equipment and Supplies Dealers1.43 Mining (except Oil and Gas)1.38 Manufacturing1.23 Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers1.21 Educational Services1.21 Health and Personal Care Stores1.18 Food and Beverage Stores1.17 Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book and Music Stores1.09 Utilities1.07 IndustryLocation Quotient Securities, Commodity Contracts and other Financial Investments and Related Activities5.91 Animal Production4.97 Fish, Hunting and Trapping3.80 Primary Metal Manufacturing2.95 Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional and Similar Organizations2.49 Other Information Services2.22 Chemical Manufacturing1.91 Support Activities for Agriculture and Forestry1.90 Support Activities for Transportation1.77 Social Assistance1.72 Crop Production1.69 Gasoline Stations1.50 North Country Location Quotients by Industry
Economic and Demographic Report SUNY Plattsburgh Technical Assistance Center (TAC) Employment/Wages New York State Department of Labor, Quarterly Census of Employment Wages, 2009
Economic and Demographic Report SUNY Plattsburgh Technical Assistance Center (TAC) Cost of Living Plattsburgh area 5 year composite cost average is approximately 99.5% in an index of >300 cities nationwide ( Burlington, VT 5 year composite average = 118% of index Glens Falls, NY 5 year composite average = 108% of index
Business and Economic Indicators Economic and Demographic Report SUNY Plattsburgh Technical Assistance Center (TAC) Business composition/size of employment, openings/closings/ contractions/expansions of business Job shifts by sector, IDA and DOL reported jobs Residential building permits past 10 years and estimated value
Business and Economic Indicators Economic and Demographic Report SUNY Plattsburgh Technical Assistance Center (TAC) Census Bureau Statistics for US Businesses
Business and Economic Indicators Economic and Demographic Report SUNY Plattsburgh Technical Assistance Center (TAC) New York State Association of Realtors, 2009
Economic and Demographic Report SUNY Plattsburgh Technical Assistance Center (TAC) Property Valuations and Foreclosures Total values of property valuations 2000 to 2009 in City of Plattsburgh Broken down into residential, commercial, industrial values as well Foreclosures in city and county vs. nation
Economic and Demographic Report SUNY Plattsburgh Technical Assistance Center (TAC) HOUSING Real Property Valuation in city last decade (CPI =25%): - Total increase: 31% - Residential increase: 74% - Commercial increase: 44% - Industrial increase: 35% Nearly one-third of properties are tax exempt
Economic and Demographic Report SUNY Plattsburgh Technical Assistance Center (TAC) HOUSING
Economic and Demographic Report SUNY Plattsburgh Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and Cornell University POPULATION PROJECTIONS CITY OF PLATTSBURGH Total , , , , , ,778 CLINTON COUNTY Total , , , , , ,708
Economic and Demographic Report SUNY Plattsburgh Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and Cornell University POPULATION PROJECTIONS: 0 to 19 years CITY OF PLATTSBURGH Total 20104, , , , , ,715 12% overall decline of 0-19 year- olds 20% decline projected in age group at county level