P roduct Approval and the F lorida Building Code Building Codes and Standards Mo Madani, CBO, Technical Unit Manager Suzanne Davis, Product Approval Joe Bigelow, PowerPoint Design, Florida Building Code 5/24/2015
2 Contents Part 1 – Organization Part 2 – PA Review Process Part 3 - Rule 9N-3 Part 4 – The Code 2
3 Part 1 – Organization Organization
4 Commission Organization
Codes and Standards Section Ila Jones Section Administrator Rick Dixon Manager Mo Madani Technical Manager Pat Harvey Administrative Section Technical Section Barbara Bryant Robert Lorenzo Jim Hammers Mary Kathryn- Smith Joe Bigelow Jon Caudill Suzanne Davis Ann Stanton Chip Sellers Marlita Peters Manufactured Buildings
6 Part 2 – PA Review Process PA Review Process
Slide # 7 oror Local Product Approval “Optional” State Product Approval
Local product approval.-- (1) For local product approval, products or systems of construction shall demonstrate compliance with the structural windload requirements of the Florida Building Code through one of the following methods: 9
1.A certification mark, listing, or label from a commission-approved certification agency indicating that the product complies with the Code. 2.A test report from a commission-approved testing lab indicating that the product tested complies with the Code. 3.A product-evaluation report from a commission- approved product evaluation entity indicating that the product complies with the Code. 4.A product-evaluation report from a Florida professional engineer or Florida registered architect indicating that the product complies with the Code. 5.A statewide product approval issued by the Florida Building Commission. 10
Local product approval.-- Local building officials may accept modifications to products or their installations provided sufficient evidence is submitted to the local building official to demonstrate compliance with the Code or the intent of the Code, including such evidence as certifications from a Florida Registered Architect or Florida Professional Engineer. 11
Local product approval Overview Approval must be valid until such time as the product changes and decreases in performance; the standards of the code change, requiring increased performance; or the approval is other-wise suspended or revoked. Changes to the code do not void the approval of products previously installed in existing buildings if such products met building code. 12
RULE 9N-3 F.A.C. This rule applies to approval of products and systems which comprise the building envelope and structural frame, for compliance with the structural requirements of the Florida Building Code 13
(1) Products in the following categories as defined by subcategories of subsection 9N-3.010(31), F.A.C., shall be available for approval by the Commission pursuant to Rule 9N-3.090, F.A.C., for use in the state: (a) Panel Walls; (b) Exterior Doors; (c) Roofing Products; (d) Skylights; (e) Windows; (f) Shutters; and (g) Structural Components. (2) This rule applies to approval of products and systems, which comprise the building envelope and structural frame, for compliance with the structural requirements of the Florida Building Code 15
Four Methods for State Approval Certification Method (Approving Authority DCA) Evaluation Report from a Florida licensed Architect or a Florida Professional Engineer (Approving Authority Commission) Test Report (Approving Authority Commission) Evaluation Report from an Evaluation Entity (Approving Authority Commission) 16
Two Review Processes: -Three months -Test report, -Evaluation report - Ten (10) days Certification 17
-10 days review process. - Applicable to Product applications that rely upon a product certification mark or listing from an approved certification agency 19
FBC Florida specific requirements HVHZ(Miami-Dade and Broward counties) requirements Special Occupancy— state rules and statutes Correlation requirements with the Florida Fire Prevention Code 2007 FBC Florida specific requirements HVHZ(Miami-Dade and Broward counties) requirements Special Occupancy— state rules and statutes Correlation requirements with the Florida Fire Prevention Code Florida Specific Requirement 2010 FBC Integration (current process) 2009 I-codeFlorida SpecificMods 2010 FBC
23 Code development Schedule 2009 I- Codes and FBC Supplement posted2/1/10 Proposed amendment due and closes4/2/10 Proposed amendment posted for comments4/15/10 45 day comment period ends5/31/10 TAC review and make recommendations7/27-8/25 TAC recommendations posted 9/3/10 45 day comment period ends10/18/10 TAC review comments on recommendations11/15/10 Commission considers TAC recommendation12/7-8/10 Code amended to resolve glitches4/11-6/11 Code printed10/1/11 Code implemented 3/15/12