Cobra Code C- Cooperative O- On task B- Be prepared R- Respectful/Responsible A- Accountable
Electronic Devices Still not allowed in school… sorry! Expect 3 nights in detention and your parent has to pick up the device.
Dress Code Don’t forget- We do not want to see the “four B’s!”
Hands and feet to yourself!! In other words – do not touch any person in any way that they do not want to be touched.
Bullying, Cyberbullying Bullying is against the law!against the law!
Detention, TAC Office detention is assigned by an administrator and takes place for 1 hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays Teacher detention is assigned by teachers, Teachers will contact your parents The TAC room is where students are sent when they have to be removed from a class. Your parents will be called and you could spend the rest of the period or the whole day there The TAC room can also be assigned as a consequence for major infractions
Lunch Time Make your way to the lunch room as soon as you are dismissed to lunch Clean up your mess on the table and the floor When the whistle blows - stop talking and listen Try to not to move chairs from table to table When dismissed go immediately to your class
Attendance and Lateness You need to be in school to be successful Be on time to school and class! On your 4 th tardy to school you will have a 1 hour detention after school If you continue to be late you will continue to have detentions, lunch detentions, TAC, etc.
Activities Pay attention to announcements on how you can get involved at school: Intramural sports and activities Music program Yearbook Science Olympiad Student Council School newspaper
Aspen The student Aspen portal is open Use the same password as last year If you are new or never opened it- S12345 WHMS2017
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