Mackerel management Coastal states agreements (EU, Norway, Faroe Islands) since mid 1990’s Coastal states agreements (EU, Norway, Faroe Islands) since mid 1990’s Management plan in place since 1999; new management plan in 2008 Management plan in place since 1999; new management plan in 2008 Since 2008 all (Northern) EU and Norwegian mackerel fisheries certified under MSC Since 2008 all (Northern) EU and Norwegian mackerel fisheries certified under MSC Mackerel management is successful
Daily Egg production per half ICES statistical rectangle in period 4 (left) and period 5 (right) egg survey: daily egg production per half ICES statistical rectangle period 4 (left) and period 5 (right)
Conclusions latest egg survey (2010) Stock has increased considerably Stock has increased considerably Egg production in Iceland 0.3% of total Egg production in Iceland 0.3% of total Egg production in Faroe Islands 0.7% of total Egg production in Faroe Islands 0.7% of total Total 1% of egg production in Faroe Islands and Iceland together Distribution of the stock, in particular the feeding areas, may change over the years, but the reproduction area of the stock is not changing
Quota development since 2004
TAC & Quota development since 2004 YearMackerel TAC Quantity Iceland % TAC Quantity Faroer % TAC , ,4724,6% , ,1%19,4124,6% ,0004,2221,0%20,4244,6% , ,3%23,0924,6% ,000112,28624,5%21,0684,6% ,000130,00021,5%27,8304,6% ,000130,00022,7%85,00014,9% ,000146,81822,7%150,00023,2%
Faroer: 2011 quota situation Current situation in Faroer 150,000total 2011 mackerel quota 25,000Swapped to Russia 60,000 For traditional pelagic purse seiner fleet 30,000 Available for everybody else except purse seiners (Olympic) 35,000Will be auctioned in 3 parts
Faroer: 2011 catch & processing capacity The current Faroe pelagic fleet is not able to catch and process 125,000 mt quota (+25,000 tons transferred to Russia) Therefore: A large number of white fish vessels have been granted a license to catch mackerel A large number of white fish vessels have been granted a license to catch mackerel Temporary fleet addition: Lafayette (Russian flagged and Chinese owned processing vessel) with 2 catcher vessels (Pacific Voyager and Enterprise). The two catcher vessels are on the NEAFC black list. Temporary fleet addition: Lafayette (Russian flagged and Chinese owned processing vessel) with 2 catcher vessels (Pacific Voyager and Enterprise). The two catcher vessels are on the NEAFC black list.
Faroer: 2011 catch & processing capacity The current Faroe pelagic fleet is not able to catch and process 125,000 mt quota (+25,000 tons transferred to Russia) Therefore: Fleet addition: Purse seiner (Christian I Grotinum - ex Norwegian) Fleet addition: Purse seiner (Christian I Grotinum - ex Norwegian) Fleet addition: 3 freezer-trawlers (1 Peruvian – Franziska - and 2 Icelandic). Peruvian vessel is on the NEAFC black list. Fleet addition: 3 freezer-trawlers (1 Peruvian – Franziska - and 2 Icelandic). Peruvian vessel is on the NEAFC black list. Until now about 40,000 tons of mackerel have been caught (a lot in mixed fisheries with herring outside AS Herring quota). High season for mackerel starts shortly.
Faroer: 2011 quality issue Quality of the mackerel at the moment is very poor: too much feed in the mackerel and high fat content Quality of the mackerel at the moment is very poor: too much feed in the mackerel and high fat content Prices setting at the moment about 40% of regular Norwegian price Prices setting at the moment about 40% of regular Norwegian price See pictures See pictures
Iceland 2011 situation Until 21 July about 47,000 tons of mackerel have been caught which is 20% less than in same period in 2010, despite increased deployment of catch capacity Until 21 July about 47,000 tons of mackerel have been caught which is 20% less than in same period in 2010, despite increased deployment of catch capacity In 2010 catches over the same period were also lower than in 2009 In 2010 catches over the same period were also lower than in 2009 Also in Iceland quality of the mackerel seems to be a problem Also in Iceland quality of the mackerel seems to be a problem Mackerel is on the average smaller than last year Mackerel is on the average smaller than last year
conclusion Iceland and Faroer increased their share in the TAC from 5% to 46% since 2006 Iceland and Faroer increased their share in the TAC from 5% to 46% since 2006 Faroer is uncapable in catching their quota by themselves and have opened their fishery for IUU vessels Faroer is uncapable in catching their quota by themselves and have opened their fishery for IUU vessels By-catch of herring in the Faroe mackerel fisheries major cause for concern (where is the quota sourced from?) By-catch of herring in the Faroe mackerel fisheries major cause for concern (where is the quota sourced from?) Very poor quality fish – low price – affects regular markets Very poor quality fish – low price – affects regular markets Mackerel stock is very healthy but if this plundering continues it will affect the stock. Mackerel stock is very healthy but if this plundering continues it will affect the stock. Iceland’s behaviour with mackerel is a 100% copy of their past behaviour with Cod Barents Sea, Shrimps NAFO, Norwegian Spring Spawning herring and Blue whiting,, where the other coastal states had to pay. Iceland’s behaviour with mackerel is a 100% copy of their past behaviour with Cod Barents Sea, Shrimps NAFO, Norwegian Spring Spawning herring and Blue whiting,, where the other coastal states had to pay. Fundamental principle must be that Iceland and Faroe Islands will NOT be rewarded for their wreckless and irresponsible behaviour Fundamental principle must be that Iceland and Faroe Islands will NOT be rewarded for their wreckless and irresponsible behaviour
This must be immediately stopped !! Firstly by showing resolve by EU and Norway implementing immediate and effective measures against Iceland and Faroe Islands Secondly by getting them back to the negotiation table to restore mackerel management
Action plan requested by industry Joint statement of Commissioner with Norwegian minister showing resolve and warning of immediate measures Joint statement of Commissioner with Norwegian minister showing resolve and warning of immediate measures Organize immediate inspection visits to Iceland and Faroe Islands under the heading of NEAFC Organize immediate inspection visits to Iceland and Faroe Islands under the heading of NEAFC Enforcing existing NEAFC regulation backed up by the EU and Norwegian regulation on IUU Enforcing existing NEAFC regulation backed up by the EU and Norwegian regulation on IUU If the warning is not adhered to then a total import ban of all kinds of fish and fish products from Iceland and Faroer should be implemented If the warning is not adhered to then a total import ban of all kinds of fish and fish products from Iceland and Faroer should be implemented Freeze accession talks with Iceland Freeze accession talks with Iceland