Early help strategy for children and families Draft strategy Steve Canning Wednesday 26 th February 2114
Process of consultation A ‘task and finish group’ is developing this Early Help Strategy. It is made up of people from Salford Children and Young People’s Trust board, and Salford Safeguarding Children Board. · There will be a consultation from January to February 2014 · We aim to publish the final version in March 2014
Definition of early help Early intervention is intervening early and as soon as possible to tackle problems emerging for children, young people and their families, or with a population most at risk of developing problems. Early intervention is a process and may occur at any point in a child or young person’s life. Grasping the Nettle, C4E0, 2010 Early identification and provision of help is in the child’s best interest and multi-agency services which deliver support for families are vital in promoting children’s wellbeing. The Munro Review of Child Protection, 2011
Definition of early help
Current model CAF and TAC Delivery of Early Intervention and Prevention Services Multi-agency delivery of services
The Salford Early Help Strategy Aim 1: Support children, young people, families and communities to help themselves whenever possible.
The Salford Early Help Strategy Aim 2: Make sure services can quickly spot children, young people or families who might need extra help from them.
The Salford Early Help Strategy Aim 3: Make sure services act quickly as soon as they know help is needed.
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