Campus Technology Hector Revollo Hector Revollo
2 Adjunct Office (CT 233)
4 Computers On Wheels
5 Training:
6 Please Lock Your Cow!
7 Each Division Has Keys
8 For Classroom Tech Support:
9 Contact the College IT Helpdesk For All Other Tech Support... or ext
10 Open Computer Lab (CA 1 st Floor Lobby)
11 Faculty / Staff Resource Center (CG 206)
12 Faculty / Staff Resource Center: Hector Revollo CG206 Hector Revollo CG206
13 Web Resources 13
15 TAC Mentor 15
16 Blackboard Competencies
17 staff/technology/tac/training/ staff/technology/tac/training/ 17
19 NEVER reply to ANY from ANYONE asking for your username or password!
20 From: IT Help Desk Sent: Thursday, July 08, :31 PM Subject: - Alert- Dear User, We are currently updating our database and as such, deleting all unused accounts to reduce network congestion. To prevent your account from being terminated, you will have to provide the information requested below: ********************************************************* PLEASE COMPLETE INFORMATION BELOW !!! = Password: = Date of Birth: = ********************************************************* Account Owners that refuse to comply may lose such an account permanently. Message Code: TR445l-WE4 Thank you, Help From: IT Help Desk Sent: Thursday, July 08, :31 PM Subject: - Alert- Dear User, We are currently updating our database and as such, deleting all unused accounts to reduce network congestion. To prevent your account from being terminated, you will have to provide the information requested below: ********************************************************* PLEASE COMPLETE INFORMATION BELOW !!! = Password: = Date of Birth: = ********************************************************* Account Owners that refuse to comply may lose such an account permanently. Message Code: TR445l-WE4 Thank you, Help
21 NEVER reply to ANY from ANYONE asking for your username or password!