Economics: The Core Issues Chapter 1 McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2010 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Economy Is Us The economy is the aggregation of individual production and consumption decisions Important link between individual choices and collective outcomes
Macro Versus Micro Economics: The study of how best to allocate scarce resources among competing uses Macroeconomics: The study of aggregate economic behavior, of the economy as a whole Microeconomics: The study of individual behavior in the economy, of the components of the larger economy
Three Core Choices Three core choices confront every nation: WHAT to produce with our limited resources HOW to produce the goods and services we select FOR WHOM goods and services are produced; that is, who should get them
Scarcity: The Core Problem Scarcity: Lack of enough resources to satisfy all desired uses of those resources Scarcity of resources limits the amount of production that can be undertaken Requires choices to be made
Factors of Production Factors of Production: Resource inputs used to produce goods and services Four Types: Land Labor Capital Entrepreneurship
Factors of Production Land: Includes all natural resources e.g. oil, water, iron ore, energy, etc. Labor: Quantity and quality of human resources Includes physical presence of workers as well as their skills and abilities
Factors of Production Capital: Final goods produced for use in production of other goods and services Includes equipment and structures, such as: Factories Production machinery Fleet vehicles
Factors of Production Entrepreneurship: Assembling of resources to produce new or improved products and technologies It’s not just a matter of what resources you have but also of how well you use them
Opportunity Costs Opportunity cost: The next most desired goods and services foregone to obtain something else What is given up to undertake a chosen activity Associated with every decision For example, if we choose to produce bread then we cannot produce pizza crust with the same flour
Production Possibilities Production possibilities: The alternative combinations of final goods and services that could be produced in a given time period with all available resources and technology
The Production Possibilities Curve Production possibilities curve (PPC): Describes the various output combinations that could be produced in a given time period with available resources and technology Represents a menu of output choices an economy confronts
The Production Possibilities Curve Illustrates Two Essential Principles: Scarce resources: Production is limited by available resources and technology Opportunity costs: Can obtain additional quantities of a good only by reducing production of another
A Production Possibilities Curve F OUTPUT OF TRUCKS 5 4 3 2 1 OUTPUT OF TANKS
Increasing Opportunity Costs Resources do not transfer perfectly from the production of one good to another Increased production of one good or service can only be attained by sacrificing ever-increasing quantities of others
Increasing Opportunity Costs The shape of the curve illustrates increasing opportunity costs Lose some efficiency in the transfer Resources used for truck production are not ideally suited for producing tanks
Law of Increasing Opportunity Costs Step 1: give up one truck 5 B 4 Step 3: give up another truck Step 2: get two tanks C 3 OUTPUT OF TRUCKS Step 4: get one more tank D 2 E 1 F 1 2 3 4 5 OUTPUT OF TANKS
Efficiency Efficiency: Maximum output of a good from the resources used in production Every point on the production possibilities curve is a point of efficiency
Points Inside the Curve A production possibilities curve shows potential output Actual output can be less than potential due to Inefficiency: Resources not being used to maximum potential Unemployment: Some resources are idle
A Point Inside the Curve 5 B 4 Y C 3 OUTPUT OF TRUCKS Some resources are unemployed or used inefficiently 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 OUTPUT OF TANKS
Points Outside the Curve Any point outside the production possibilities curve is unattainable with available resources and technology
A Point Outside the Curve X Currently not attainable 5 B 4 C 3 OUTPUT OF TRUCKS 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 OUTPUT OF TANKS
Economic Growth Economic growth: An increase in output due to an expansion of production possibilities Production possibilities increase with more resources or better technology The production possibilities curve shifts outward
The Mechanism of Choice An economy is largely defined by how it answers the WHAT, HOW and FOR WHOM questions
Continuing Debates The core of most debates is some variation of the WHAT, HOW, or FOR WHOM questions Conservatives favor Adam Smith’s laissez-faire approach Liberals think government intervention is likely to improve market outcomes
A Mixed Economy Countries answer the questions differently Mixed economy: An economy that uses both market signals and government directives to allocate goods and resources
Theory Versus Reality The economy is much too vast and complex to describe and explain in one course (or one lifetime) Economists use theories, or models, of economic behavior to evaluate and design economic policy