Miller Page
Wrote Bringing Down the House Graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard in 1991 Has written 12 books His books turn into successful movies The Accidential Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook, A Tale of Sex, Money, Genius and Betrayal=The Social Network Bringing Down the House=21 Ben Mezrich
Wrote All the King’s Men Was known as one of the best poets of his generation Better known as a novelist with All the King’s Men Won 3 Pulitzer Prizes All the King’s Men; 1947 Promises: Poems; 1958 Now and Then: Poems; 1979 Robert Penn Warren
Wrote Fast Food Nation Graduated From Princeton Started off writing for the Atlantic Monthly Main book is Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal Had another bestseller on the American Black Market Eric Schlosser
Kevin Lewis- main character Not real, but based off of Jeff Ma Micky Rosa- the man who organizes the MIT blackjack teams Jason Fisher- Head of Kevin’s blackjack team Other team members- Martinez, Michael, Kianna, Brian, Dylan and Jill Taylor Bringing Down the House Characters
Kevin’s Recruitment Gambling in Vegas Split from Micky Rosa Robberies Events in BDTH
Manipulation through trickery Disguises Fake identities Different personalities Themes in BDTH
= Willie Stark
Willie Stark- main character Jack Burden- narrator Sadie Burke and Tiny Duffy- Willie’s assistants Anne and Adam Stanton Judge Irwin Characters in All the King’s Men
Willie advancing through Government ranks Hospital Mess Willie’s campaign Judge Irwin’s story Events in ATKM
Manipulation through power Blackmail Forced retirement Byram White Themes in ATKM
Eric Schlosser- narrator and author Fast Food Industry Workers Fast food workers Slaughterhouse cleaners Characters in Fast Food Nation
Visiting the plant in Colorado Plauen Slaughterhouses Events in Fast Food Nation
Manipulation through businesses The hidden details no one knows about minimum wage workers Themes in Fast Food Nation
All different forms of manipulation Deceptiveness Power business How they relate
. "About-BenMezrich." N.p., Web. 17 May 2012 . . "Eric Schlosser's Biography." N.p., 03 Dec Web. 17 May . Mezrich, Ben. Bringing Down the House. 1st ed. New York: Free Press, Print. Google Images. N.d. Photograph. 17 May . (photo of Ben Mezrich, Robert Penn Warren, Eric Schlosser, photos from 21, photo from the movie All the King’s Men ¸ photos of Huey Long, photo of The book All the King’s Men, photo of Fast Food Nation, photo of fast food restaurants and photo of manipulation) Works Cited
. "Robert Penn Warren." American Academy of Poets, n.d. Web. 16 May . Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation. 1st ed. New York: Houghton Mifflin, Print. Warren, Robert Penn. All the King's Men. 2nd ed. Harcourt Inc., N.d. Photograph. Youtube.comWeb. 17 May (Video clip of Jill talking about getting away with it, and Fast Food Nation trailer) Works Cited Ctd.