BASIC INFORMATION: It is located in Princeton, New Jersey. It was founded in 1746 by John Witherspoon, William Tennent, Jonathan Dickinson, Aaron Burr. The school colors are orange and black and their mascot is the Princeton tigers. School population is 7,912 students and 2,648 of them are undergrad. The undergrad admission rate is 7.4% 98% of undergrads live on campus.
GENERAL HISTORY. Princeton was founded in 1746 and has been in business 150 years. It was British America’s 4 th college. In 1896 the college of New Jersey was officially re-named Princeton University in honor of its host community of Princeton. The school consists of 180 buildings on 500 acres of land.
EXPENSES Tuition = $41,750 Rooms = $7,500 Board Rate = $6,045 Estimated miscellaneous expenses = $3,525 Your total for your 1 st year would be about $58,820. Undergraduates on financial aid = 60%
POPULAR MAJORS & SAT/ACT SCORES. Undergraduates usually prefer smaller size classes, mostly on natural science (7%) and humanities (15%). 38% of sophomores have chosen to major in economics, politics, history, and English. SAT critical reading 700/790 SAT math 710/800 SAT writing 710/800 ACT composite 31/35 ACT English 32/35 ACT math 30/35 ACT writing 8/10
ATHLETICS & CLUBS Princeton has a lot of different activities for students to participate in. They have 38 varsity teams (sprint football, soccer, track and field, volleyball, fencing, hockey, basket ball, etc.) 20 of those teams are men's and 18 are women’s More than 1,000 people participate in Princeton athletics. They also provide different clubs that you could join as well which include eating clubs and office of religious life.
EXTRA INFORMATION There are students of different ethnicities attend. Demographics: 10% of men are accepted 10% of women are accepted Overall % of graduation = 95%