Atlantic Humpback Dolphin By: Hannah and Verónica NOTICE: The following presentation contains copyrighted materials used under the Multimedia Guidelines and Fair Use exemptions of U.S. Copyright law. Further use is prohibited. ns&view=detail&id=71578C61DCF80223C6E55D9A3E7F0E874CA5A336&first=0&F ORM=IDFRIR June 2012
Scientific Name Sousa Teuszii Atlantic Humpbacked Dolphin =detail&id=C44AF75DD CBFEF CE48F77F&first=0&qpv t=atlantic+humpback+dolphin&FORM=IDFRIR&adlt=strict
Habitat and Location Coast of Africa India Australia Wet Habitat
How Threatened? Vulnerable
How many are left? About 2,200 left jpg
Threats Fishing nets Taken as food for restaurants Hunted by fishermen 44AF75DD CBFEF CE48F77F&first=0&qpvt=atlantic+humpback+dol phin&FORM=IDFRIR&adlt=strict
Positive Efforts Scientist are rescuing them at beaches and taking them to captivity at aquariums and zoos
How Unique? Has a hump in front of the fin They weigh lbs. Small tail
How is it connected? Connected to the dolphin family Has a long nose musculus/ dolphin/delphinus-capensis/#src=portletV3api
Question #1 Question: What do Atlantic Humpback Dolphins eat? Answer: They eat plankton, mullet and other fish
Question #2 Question: How long do Atlantic Humpback Dolphins live? Answer: They live about 9½ years humpback-dolphins-porpoising.jpg
Works Consulted Shirihai, Hadorum. Marine Mammals of the World. Princeton University Press: Princeton University Press, Print. 5 Mar Web. 13 Apr Apr Web. 15 May 2012.
Images +Dolphins&view=detail&id=71578C61DCF80223C6E55D9A3E7F0E874CA5A336&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR CBFEF CE48F77F&first=0&qpvt=atlantic+humpback+dolphin&FORM=IDFRIR&adlt=strict CBFEF CE48F77F&first=0&qpvt=atlantic+humpback+dolphin&FORM=IDFRIR&adlt=strict Pacific-humpback-dolphins-porpoising.jpg Pacific-humpback-dolphins-porpoising.jpg Pacific-humpback-dolphins-porpoising.jpg Pacific-humpback-dolphins-porpoising.jpg