Library Comparative Study By Dotan Schmidt A comparison between the website and digital resources of the AUP library and those of Cambridge and Princeton
Why Compare? By making a comparison to other academic institutions we can: – Gather information about design and structure – Find a variety of tools which are offered by other libraries – Evaluate the AUP library in relation to other libraries Note - The AUP library is in a unique situation. When making the comparison we must consider the following facts: o AUP is an American university in a foreign country. o AUP library has very limited physical capacity o AUP has much fewer students than the compared institution o AUP has a smaller budget (presumably) than the compared institutions
D ESIG N The general design of the website should: – Be visually eye pleasing – Be organized in a coherent manner – Be structured especially for its usage purposes – Guide users to use its popular features – Allow users to easily and quickly locate tools and resources
AUP Library Homepage
Cambridge University Library Homepage
How do the Homepages Compare AUP library homepage: – The page does not resembles a contemporary page, it looks like its from 10 years ago – Little usage of color and style to emphasize functions and resource – A structure that makes orientation difficult CU library homepage: – Slick and visually pleasing – Clearly divided into sections and categories – Clear structure with the assistance of drop down menus – Usage of colors and font sizes to emphasizes functions
Seeking Help When users utilize the library digital resources they often need help. In this case there are two possible options. Users can either ask someone or find information/tutorials in text, audio, or video form.
AUP vs. CU – Help and Practical Information
AUP Library Online Tutorials
CU Online Library Tutorials
AUP vs. CU – Help, tutorials and and Practical Information AUP Library: – General information, help and tutorials for all users – No introduction – Tutorials and instructions are available, but spread-out confusingly in the website. Searching information is available by default under Basic Search. ‘How to Find and Evaluate a Book’ is in a different area – Information Literacy – and has instructions that are too long and detailed. The CU Library: – Makes distinctions between the different types of users and offers help, information and tutorials accordingly. – Introductions via videos – Clear and concise tutorials and instructions, all in the area – Help with Newton - divided by categories. The information is written neatly, simple terms, and requires little and time effort to understand
Asking for Help – Helpdesk and Similar Features When users need help, on or off campus,for any problem they may have, they can ask the library staff who are trained to know the system and the resources inside-and-out.
AUP Library – Getting Help
Princeton Library – Getting Help
Princeton vs. AUP – Getting Help AUP library users can: – Go to the helpdesk (who are always very helpful!) – send an – call-in Princeton Library users can: – Go to helpdesk – Send an – Call – Text/SMS – Chat online – Post on Forum
In Conclusion The AUP library website can learn a great deal from the mentioned websites. The CU library website is designed so elegantly and simply which makes using it a pleasure. It’s a fun website to navigate through, and in case of problems, there are plenty of information which is organized clearly in the disposal of the users. CU also offers digital toolbox which include widgets, API, tool bars, off campus access and more. The access CU library users have to digital resources is by far superior to that available to the AUP users. Princeton university is more similar to AUP in design, though fairly clearer and structured better. They have access to vast digital collections and databases. The use of technology and digital tools is prominent in the website. AUP should invest most of its effort into the library’s website and digital resources. The only way to compensate for the lack of physical space and presence in a foreign language is by focusing on the digital world.