The American Revolution Chapter 7-1
The Early Years of the War Americans divided on the issue Approx 20-30% Loyalists Approx 40-45% Patriots The rest were Neutral
Primary Sources Patriots Loyalists “Shall a body of men in Great Britain who know nothing of us – invest themselves with a power to command our lives and properties...” “They call me a brainless Tory ; but tell me, which is better – to be ruled by one tyrant 3000 miles away, or my 3000 tyrants not one mile away?”
Preparing for War AMERICAN George Washington – commander of Continental Army Enlist for only one year – then go home Inability to supply army with blankets, food, guns Women helped in the camps – cooked, nursed sick & wounded BRITISH General William Howe Experienced army But some not want to fight Americans Signed up for life – which discouraged enlistement So hired mercenaries German hessians
WAR in MIDDLE STATES (In Chapter 6) Washington forced British out of Boston March 1776 July 1776 British arrived in New York – British won Battle of Long Island August 1776 August to December continuous fighting – Washington forced to retreat and cross Delaware River into New Jersey Before enlistment end Dec 31...Washington plan to row across Delaware River on 12/25/1776 – surprised British and won Battle of Trenton and Battle of Princeton
Victory at Trenton & Princeton These two victories showed that Washington and American Army could win It attracted more New Recruits into American Army
BRITAIN’S NORTHERN STRATEGY CONTROL THE HUDSON RIVER VALLEY 1. General John Burgoyne – march down from Canada 2. Lt. Colonel Barry St. Leger – march down Mohawk Valley 3. General Howe – march north along Hudson from NYC BRITISH STRATEGY UNRAVELS 1. General Burgoyne – waiting for Howe & Leger 2. Lt.Col Leger – tricked into retreating 3. General Howe – changes course and captures Philadelphia instead
BATTLE of SARATOGA General Burgoyne defeated by General horatio gates A MAJOR TURNING POINT IN THE WAR BRITISH WOULD NOT ISOLATE NEW ENGLAND Showed europeans that America might win war Some europeans joined americans to help