The Impact of Oil and Middle East Wars Lesson 20
Persian Gulf War Between Iraq & about 30 other nations. Iraq accused Kuwait of stealing Iraqi oil Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990 Saddam Hussein and his Iraqi army took control of Kuwait..\My Videos\
Persian Gulf War The United Nations demanded Iraq to withdraw. The U.N. cut off trade with Iraq. Iraq still did not leave. Many Kuwaiti citizens left the country during the occupation. STOP Writing PHOTO(: U.S. soldiers in the Gulf War. In August of 1990 Saddam Hussein of Iraq launched an invasion of the neighboring oil-rich state of Kuwait, but was forced to withdraw after a military coalition led by the U.S. defeated Iraqs army with a month-long air war and a four- day ground campaign in January-February 1991.
Persian Gulf War The U.S. and other countries sent troops to Saudi Arabia. The U.N. set a date for Iraq to leave Kuwait. Iraq refused to leave. The date expired. In January of 1991, the U.S. & other nations invaded Iraq. Iraqi army defeated in less than (2) months. Iraq had to recognize Kuwait as a free country and destroy all weapons of mass destruction. The U.N. was never able to prove WMD’s existed...\My Videos\persian gulf ppt.mp4..\My Videos\persian gulf ppt.mp4
U.S. Invasion of Afghanistan September 11, 2001, Al-Qaeda attacked the U.S. Al-Qaeda- A group of radical Islamic terrorists based largely in Afghanistan. Terrorist attacks killed nearly 3,000 people.
U.S. Invasion of Afghanistan Osama bin Laden named as the organizer of the attacks. President George W. Bush call on a group of countries to help wage a war on terrorism. First goal was to find Osama bin Laden. The U.S. believed Osama was in Afghanistan while most of the people carrying out the attacks were from Saudi Arabia.
U.S. Invasion of Afghanistan The U.S. & Great Britain invaded Afghanistan in search of bin Laden in Bombed place where we believed bin Laden to be. After the invasion, over 3 million Afghanistan refugees returned home. Osama bin Laden still has not been found.
Iraq War The United States was afraid Saddam Hussein & Al Qaeda would connect. Afraid of WMD in Iraq. The U.N. sent inspectors to Iraq to check. In 2002, Congress authorized President Bush to go to war with Iraq. PHOTO: Camel Spider found in Iraqi desert.
Iraq War U. S. bombed targets in Baghdad. G.B., Australia, and Poland joined the U.S. in invading Iraq. Operation Iraqi Freedom Saddam Hussein was captured and sentenced to death in Hussein used chemical weapons against Iran. Hussein also killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.
Iraq War No WMD found. Sources believe over ½ million Iraqis have died since the invasion. Some due to violence in Iraq and poor medical care. Over 3,000 American soldiers have been killed and over 20,000 wounded.