Horizon 2012 Sailing in the Same Boat Toward a Nuclear Weapons-Free Zone in the Middle East Mar 2012 Shahriar khateri MD IPPNW – Tehran Peace Museum
With more than 1 million Iranian victims of Chemical Weapons attacks during the 8 year war with Iraq, Iran is the world's top afflicted country by Weapons of Mass Destruction, only after Japan.
Did You know? Nerve agents were used for the first time in history during the 1980s, by Iraq in the war against Iran Mustard gas was used against civilian targets for the first time in history during the 1980s, by Iraq in the war against Iran. Over 1 million exposed, sever injuries More than currently with chronic health problems Saddam was never tried for the use of CW!
UNMOVIC Report (Mar 2003): Iraq consumed almost 19,500 chemical bombs, over 54,000 chemical artillery shells and 27,000 short-range chemical rockets between 1983 and Iraq declared that about 1,800 tonnes of Mustard, 140 tonnes of Tabun and over 600 tonnes of Sarin had been consumed during these years against Iran.
May 1988 Aug 1988 Too Late ! Security Council Resolution No: May 1988 Security Council Resolution No: Aug 1988 UN Reports/Documents: 1983 UN Document S/16140 Nov.10, 1983 UN Document S/16433 March 26, 1984 UN Document S/16454 March 30, 1984 UN Document S/17843 Feb. 18, 1986 UN Document S/17911 March.12, 1986 UN Document S/17932 March.21, 1986 UN Document S/18852 May 03, 1987 UN Document S/19006 Jul.30, 1987 UN Document S/19823 Apr.25, 1988 UN Document S/19869 May 06, 1988 UN Document S/19886 May 16, 1988 UN Document S/19892 May 16, 1988 UN Document S/19942 June 16, 1988 UN Document S/19943 June 16, 1988 UN Document S/19946 June 17, 1988 UN Document S/20060 July.20, 1988 UN Document S/20084 Aug.03, 1988 UN Document S/20134 Aug.19, 1988 UN Document S/20151 Aug.26, 1988
Mr Perez de Cuellar
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei’s Message to the nuclear disarmament conference, April 2010 : "Iran regards utilizing nuclear weapons as forbidden in Islam and it is incumbent on everyone to safeguard humanity from such weapons,"
Iran’s Leader Ayatollah Khamenei in a meeting with head and officials of the Atomic Energy Organization and nuclear scientists in Tehran ( Feb 2012 ) said: “The Iranian nation has never pursued and will never pursue nuclear weapons”. “There is no doubt that the decision makers in the countries opposing us know well that Iran is not after nuclear weapons because we logically, religiously and theoretically, considers the possession of nuclear weapons a grave sin and believe the proliferation of such weapons is senseless, destructive and dangerous.”
Resolution 533 of the IAEA General Conference in 1990 "any armed attack on and threat against nuclear facilities devoted to peaceful purposes constitutes a violation of the principles of the United Nations Charter, international law and the Statute of the Agency"; “an armed attack on a nuclear installation could result in radioactive releases with grave consequences within and beyond the boundaries of the State which has been attacked”; “Recognizes that an armed attack or a threat of armed attack on a safeguarded nuclear facility, in operation or under construction, would create a situation in which the United Nations Security Council would have to act immediately in accordance with the provisions of the United Nations Charter.
23 February 2012: 16 U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Iran is not trying to build an atomic bomb A nuclear-weapon-free zone for the Middle East was first proposed by Iran in 1974
Current tensions among Iran, Israel and the US: Nuclear programs, military tensions, urgent issues to be resolved Sanctions (Health impacts, targeting people) Assassinations Provocative language and threats against Iran
Objectives and Strategies for a Successful Finland Conference Meeting with Foreign Minister Mr Salehi Meeting with Director of Disarmament office- ministry of foreign affair Meeting with Foreign ministry’s spokesman Meeting with Finish under secretary of state, Mr Lajaava Several meetings of PSR-Iran members Awareness programs at Tehran Peace Museum
Foreign Minister Salehi’s Visit to TPM
Meting with Foreign Minister Salehi’s to discuss role of NGOs
FM Spokesman visiting TPM
Finish under secretary of state, Mr Lajaava Visiting TPM
Meeting with Finish under secretary of state, Mr Lajaava to discuss MENWFZ
Awareness program for students