Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan Chapter 12 Section 4 Pp. 351-354
Iraq Farmers grow wheat, barley, dates, cotton, and rice on flood plain between Tigris and Euphrates Rivers Oil is its biggest export 70% live in cities Independence in 1932, king until 1958, ruled by military dictatorships Saddam Hussein ruled from 1979-2003 U.S. Soldiers in Iraq
On what is Iraq’s economy based? Oil Question On what is Iraq’s economy based? Oil
Iraqi Wars 1980s – fought with Iran 1990 – invaded Kuwait 1991 – Persian Gulf War (because of invasion of Kuwait) 2003 – U.S. and British invade and remove Saddam from power
The Persian Gulf War of 1991 began after Iraq invaded what country? Question The Persian Gulf War of 1991 began after Iraq invaded what country? Kuwait
What troops invaded Iraq in March 2003? American and British Question What troops invaded Iraq in March 2003? American and British
Iran Was known as Persia Larger than Alaska Lots of Oil Textiles, cotton, pistachios, construction materials
Iran Shah Mohammad Pahlavi Ayatollah Khomeini Over half are descended from Persian, the rest from Arabs and Turks Farsi (Persian) is official language 98% are Muslim 1979 – Shah (king) overthrown and an Islamic republic established
Afghanistan Mostly covered by the Hindu Kush mountains 20 different ethnic groups. Pashtuns and Tajiks are the largest. 70% are farmers and herders 1980s – Soviets invaded 2001 – U.S-led coalition invaded and removed the Taliban
The Hindu Kush covers most of which country? Afghanistan Question The Hindu Kush covers most of which country? Afghanistan