Development of Gender Statistics


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Presentation transcript:

Development of Gender Statistics Joint ESCWA/ILO Workshop on Mainstreaming Gender in Labour Statistics, Turin, 9-12 December 2008 Development of Gender Statistics Neda Jafar ESCWA Statistics Division

Overview Rationale for gender statistics Engendering statistics @ global level @ regional level @ national level The Iraq Project

Rationale for Gender Statistics

Why gender statistics? Factual basis for all stages of policy making: planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring , reporting and evaluation Shed light on priority gender issues and gender gaps Set targets and benchmarks Track progress

Engendering Statistics

Engendering statistics A wide range of initiatives and activities have been undertaken at the country, regional and global levels regarding the development and application of gender indicators

Engendering Statistics The Global Level

Engendering statistics: Global Level International frameworks GA Resolutions Technical materials Statistical reports and publications Global gender statistics programmes

Focus of global work on gender stats Manuals, guidelines & handbooks Evaluating and improving definitions, concepts, methods Tasks Forces/Expert Groups Intl. organizations Gender Units in CSOs Training workshops & study visits Improving skills in data production, analysis and dissemination Reports & publications on women and men Assisting in data compilation, analysis and dissemination

International Frameworks Beijing Platform for Action Strategic objective H.3. “Generate and disseminate gender-disaggregated data and information for planning and evaluation” Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing, September 1995)

Selected Technical Materials for Engendering Statistics United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), Handbook for the Development of National Statistical Databases on Women and Development, 1989; UNSD, Methods of Measuring Women's Participation on the Informal Sector, 1990; UNSD, Methods of Measuring Women's Economic Activity - Technical Report, 1993; Statistics Sweden, Engendering Statistics: A Tool for Change, 1996; Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), Guide to Gender-sensitive Indicators, 1997;

Selected Technical Materials for Engendering Statistics (cont’d) UNSD, Handbook for Producing National Statistical Reports on Women and Men, 1997; UNSD, Women's Indicators and Statistics Database (Wistat), Version 4, on CD-ROM, 2000; UNSD, Indicators for Monitoring MDGs - Definition, Rationale, Concepts and Sources, 2003; United Nations, Guide to Producing Statistics on Time Use: Measuring Paid and Unpaid Work, 2005;F Food and Agriculture Organization, "Gender sensitive indicators: A key tool for gender mainstreaming," 2001; International Labour Organization (ILO), Qualitative and Quantitative Indicators for the Monitoring and Evaluation of the ILO Gender Mainstreaming Strategy.

Statistical Reports and Publications The World’s Women: Trends and Statistics The World’s Women: 2005 Progress in Statistics Progress of the World’s Women Women’s Empowerment: Measuring the Global Gender Gap Situation of Women (1990) Statistics and Indicators on Women in Africa (1989) Compendium of Statistics and Indicators on the Situation of Women (1988)

Global Gender Statistics Programmes UNSD Global Gender Statistics Programme World Bank Group Gender Action Plan ILO Gender Promotion Programme FAO Gender and Development Plan of Action (2002-2007) WHO program on Women, Health and Development Others Objectives: Effective use of networking Building strong and supportive partnership Establishment of collaborative arrangements at the national level Includes 3 components Inter-agency and expert group to advance gender statistics at global level Web Portal as technical information resource and channel for networking Development of training courses for adoption and adaptation at all levels 14 14 14

Engendering Statistics The Regional Level

Engendering statistics: Regional Level Programme development Projects Workshops and EGMs Manuals and Handbooks Gender-based statistical reports and publications Gender Virtual Library

Programme Development Since 1997, ESCWA in cooperation with a number of UN agencies has been implementing a a Gender Statistics Programme (GSP) for Arab countries to their capabilities in the production, use and dissemination of gender statistics to lead to more effective policies promoting change for the benefit of women and the advancement of society as a whole GSP activities have commenced on both the regional and national levels in 12 Arab countries; the latest in Iraq with funding from UNDG - ITF ESCWA has recently partnered with the World Bank to roll-out a Capacity Building program on Engendering National Statistical Systems in the ESCWA Region ESCAP: two Regional Workshop on Women and Men in the ESCAP Region ECA: two workshops in Southern and Eastern African countries 17

Gender Stats Projects Scope Partners Status Toward More Gender-Responsive MDG Monitoring and Reporting in the Arab Region Arab Region Inter-agency ESCWA-led In -progress Capacity Building program on Engendering National Statistical Systems in the ESCWA Region ESCWA Region World Bank/ESCWA Forthcoming Development of National Gender Statistics in Iraq National-Iraq ESCWA/UNDG ITF in cooperation with COSIT In-progress Interregional cooperation to strengthen social inclusion, gender equality and health promotion in the Millennium Development Goals National Gender Statistics Programmes in the Arab Countries Arab Region – 11 countries Finalized

Regional Workshops and EGMs First Regional Workshop (Tunis, 9-14 June 1997) Second Regional Workshop (Jordan, 8-11 June 1999) Third Regional Workshop (Tunis, 5-7 July 2001) Fourth Regional Workshop (Beirut, 17-19 June 2003) Workshop on Gender Statistics as a Tool for Policy Formulation and Analysis (Beirut, 17-19 June 2003) Inter-agency and Expert Group Meeting on Gender and MDGs in the Arab Region (Cairo, 10-11 September 2007) 19

Handbooks and Manuals Gender in the MDGs: Information Guide for Arab MDG Reports (2007) Handbook on How to Prepare Statistical Publications on Women and Men (Arabic translation) 20

Gender-based statistical publications & reports Gender in MDGs: Info Guide for Arab MDG Reports Women and Men in the Arab Region: A Statistical Portrait Women and Men: Education Where Do Arab Women Stand in the Development Process? Women and Men: Employment Arab Women in Public Life and Leadership 21

Gender Virtual Library

ESCWA’s Future Work in Gender Statistics Establishment of a Task Force on Gender Statistics to guide the development of gender statistics in the ESCWA Region Review of Arab MDG reports from a Gender Lens (publication) Development of a manual on metadata for G Is In Framework Training on manual & other capacity building activities Development of a gender database populated with national data

Engendering Statistics The National Level

Engendering statistics: National Level National workshops and reports National publications on women and men National gender statistics programmes Mainstreaming gender in NSDS Gender Focal Points

National Workshops & Country Reports Under the umbrella of the regional project for “ Development of National Gender Statistics Programmes in the Arab Countries” 11 countries held national workshops bringing together users and producers to statistics to discuss national gender issues and priorities and data requirements Algeria - Egypt – Jordan- Lebanon – Oman – Palestine – Qatar – Syria - Tunisia – Yemen These countries also prepared national reports that include national work plans, overviews of national workshops, national strategies for improving gender statistics, and challenges in the preparation of national statistical 26

Gender-based statistical booklets National Women and Men Series Algeria: A Statistical Portrait Egypt: A Statistical Portrait Jordan: A Statistical Portrait Iraq: Women and Men Lebanon: A Statistical Portrait Oman: Women and Men Qatar: National Report on Women and Men Palestine: A Statistical Portrait The Syrian Arab Republic: A Statistical Portrait Tunisia: A Statistical Portrait Yemen: A Statistical Portrait Morocco 27 27 27

Engendering Statistics The Iraq Project

Engendering statistics: “Development of National Gender Statistics in Iraq” Led by ESCWA Supported by UNDG ITF Implemented in coordination with COSIT since 2006 (expected completion Dec. 2008) Undertaken in collaboration with UNDP and other UN agencies Includes a number of capacity-building activities and statistical outputs

National Gender Statistics In Iraq Gender Stats Unit within COSIT 2 Statistics Assistants & 1 Administrative Assistant ICT equipment Training workshops First National Workshop (Amman, Dec. 06) Workshop on Time-use Surveys (Amman, Nov. 07) Workshop on NSDS Design: Mainstreaming Gender in Sectoral Statistics (Istanbul, March 08) Dev Info Training (Beirut, July 08) Training on database development (Beirut, July 08) Second National Workshop (Beirut, Nov 08) Workshop on Labour Statistics (Turin, Dec 08)

National Gender Statistics In Iraq Fellowships and study visits Jordanian Department of Statistics (Amman, November 2007) Study Tour on DevInfo – (India, December 2008) Studies and publication on gender statistics Report on assessment of data availability Publication on Women and Men Booklet on gender stats: results of time-use survey (forthcoming) Wall chart on women and men in Iraq (forthcoming) Photo gallery of gender issues in Iraq (in-progress) Database and website on gender statistics (forthcoming)

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