Hungarian Defence and Security Policy Mr. György RÁBAI Counsellor HU MoD, Defence Policy Department
Topics Security challenges Lessons learned in NATO Transformation of NATO, reform in Hungary Transatlantic relations - ESDP
Changing security environment The waning of conventional threats Euro-Atlantic integration process in our region New challenges
The waning of conventional threats Hungary is not threatened by conventional military aggression Largely stable geopolitical environment, cooperation instead of confrontation between states Low probability of conventional threats in the next decade
The Euro-Atlantic Integration Process Hungary joined both NATO (1999) and EU (2004) From the seven neighbouring countries, in 1994 none was member of EU or NATO, in countries are members of one or both of these organisations along with Hungary All of the not yet integrated neighbours are on the path of EU and/or NATO integration (for Ukraine and Serbia it is a long term process) The integration process has greatly fostered good neighbourly relations
The emergence of new threats International terrorism and other asymmetric threats Regional instability Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery
International terrorism Event with the highest probability from the new threats Expected target areas: –Hungarian soldiers serving abroad (especially in Iraq and Afghanistan) –Hungarian interests (especially in Iraq and Afghanistan)
Hungarian contribution to the fight against terrorism Measures taken by the Government Hungarian participation in Afghanistan Hungarian contribution to the war in Iraq
Regional instability - Conflicts stemming from ethnic or religious differences Low threat level, due to NATO’s peacekeeping activity on the Western Balkans Reopening of conflicts cannot be entirely ruled out Hungary is also affected by regional instability beyond Europe (Middle East, Afghanistan)
WMD proliferation The number of states possessing NBCR weapons is going to grow Possibility of WMD in terrorist hands Possible direct threat to Hungarian forces participating in Coalition and NATO operations Threat against NATO allies and Hungary
Hungary in NATO Change of paradigm: self defence vs. collective defence Transformation of NATO
Reform initiatives Kosovo: shock for European Allies Washington Summit: DCI Hungary: Strategic Review
Reform initiatives (cont’d) 9/11 USA PCC –defence against WMD –dominance of command, control and information –interoperability and combat efficiency –deployability and sustainability
Defence Review New capabilities Professional army Modernization Harmony between the number of personnel and the defence structure Financial resources
Transatlantic relations No alternative of transatlantic partnership The only choice: America and Europe NATO: cornerstone of collective defence Preserving „Open Door Policy”
Hungary’s view on ESDP Important to strengthen the ESDP Increased political and military weight for Europe Hungary supports initiatives which: –enhance European defence capabilities –avoid unnecessary duplications –strengthen the transatlantic link
Hungary’s view on ESDP (cont’d) Should be directed primarily to immediate neighbourhood of EU Balanced development of military and civilian crisis management capability Optimise use of resources, maximise capabilities
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