NOT an Arab state Iranians are Persian and speak Farci The Safavid Dynasty ( ) Unstable and basically run by Britain from
Led a military takeover in 1921 Declared himself Shah in 1925
British and Soviets force Reza Kahn to resign His son, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, takes over ( ) Western Corrupt
Mohammad Mosaddeq Democratically elected Prime Minister Nationalized Iran’s Oil US and Britain opposed it CIA overthrew Mosaddeq in 1953 Shah became a puppet of the West
Ayatollah Khomeini Islamic Republic Hostages Argo
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Nuclear Weapons?
Also majority Shiite Part of the Ottoman Empire until 1917 British Mandate until 1932 Independent in 1932 Kingdom of Iraq, King Faisal I ( ) Many unstable governments and coups,
Iraq invades Kuwait, 1990 US intervention
Sunni vs. Shiite Kurds