Iraqi Provincial Border Changes from the Ottoman Era to Today Japan Institute of International Affairs 2 November 2010
In The Name Of God NO. 41 Republic Decree In accordance with Revolution Command Council agreement of the four material from Governorate Law No. 159 in 1969 (approved) and according to what interior minister proposed. We decreed the follows: 1. Constitute a new Governorate under the name of Salah Al- Deen Governorate its center will be in Tikrit City and must be followed by the following provinces with all its administrational boundaries. a. Tikrit Province. b. Samaraa Province. c. Balad Province. d. Tuze Province. 1. Replace the name of Kirkuk Governorate by Tameem Governorate.and to be followed by the following provinces : a. Kirkuk centers. b. Al- Haweja Province. The interior minister must implement this decree Written in Baghdad in twenty eight of Muharam month 1396 H in 29/1/ 1976 Ahmed Hassan Al- Baker Chief revolution command council
1) Such Efforts Continue ISCI: Federalism Initiative KRG: Kurdification, “Garmiyan” Initiative, Hamrin Thesis 2) Sectarianism Effects Yusufiya, Latifiya, Mahmudiya “Death Triangle” Baghdad Neighborhoods & 1970s Redistricting 3) Continuing Implications for GOI Centralization vs. Federalism 4) Ultimate Effects on Governance & Regional Stability 5) Oil & Natural Resources Struggle Kirkuk Oil Anbar vs. Karbala vs. Najaf vs. Muthanna Potential Desert Claims