6 themes and concepts have steered U.S. foreign policy since the Cold War : 1) the preservation of American global hegemony 2) the fostering of globalization through the continued development of liberal international economic institutions 3) the promotion of an ever-growing "zone of democratic peace" 4) the repeated employment of military power to ease humanitarian disasters 5) the isolation and punishment of a handful of "rogue" states that allegedly threatened regional stability and American security; 6) growing concerns about the vulnerability of the United States to attacks from these regimes as well as from transnational terrorist groups. Read more:
Evolution of NATO: What role for Turkey ? As U.S. policy moved towards ‘globalism to regionalism’, U.S. interests in various regions ‘was still dependent on key allies’. Here, the use of NATO as multilateral tool, and Turkey’s position as a NATO member became all the more important. Therefore, throughout the 1990s, Turkey was no longer only a geographical strategic asset but also an asset in terms of military contribution to NATO out-of-area operations, especially in Balkans. Therefore, as NATO shifted from a predominantly collective defence organisation to a collective security organisation in the 1990s, Turkey’s role within it had stayed more or less the same, as predominantly a ‘functional’ ally. This was an arrangement which suited Turkey as well, but nevertheless it was not part of grand strategic design of a normative western security community. (G.Aybet,2012,29)
US FP Goals in the Middle East 1)Ensuring the interrupted supply of oil products to global markets 2)Ensuring the survival of Israel 3)Preventing regional countries to acquire WMD. 4)Contaning Iran and Iraq ( dual containment)
Dual containment An official United States foreign policy aimed at containing Iraq and Iran, Israel's and the US' two most important strategic adversaries in the Middle East. It was first outlined in May 1993 by Martin Indyk at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and officially announced on February 24, 1994 at a symposium of the Middle East Policy Council by Indyk, then the senior director for Middle East Affairs of the National Security Council (NSC).It represented Bill Clinton's attempt to formulate a Persian Gulf strategy after the end of the Cold War and America's eviction of Iraq from Kuwait.
The Significance of the Gulf War for TFP 1)Serious departure from its pro-status que course 2)A serious crisis in the decision making (i.e. resignations of MFA Ali Bozer, MD Safa Giray, CGS Necip Torumtay) 3)Civilian opted for war, while military took a stand against it. 4)Highly critical public on Özal 5)American manipulation of Özal
‘Poised Hammer’ & Provide Comfort Operations Operation Provide Comfort Operations were military operations initiated by the United States, the United Kingdom, and some of the Gulf War allies, starting in April 1991, to defend and provide safe havens to Kurds fleeing their homes in northern Iraq in the aftermath of the Persian Gulf War and deliver humanitarian aid to them.
Turkey’s Northern Iraq Policy Tablosu (714)
Drawbacks of Dual Containment for Turkey 1)Significant economic losses 2)Strenghtened Turkey’s image as American Trojan House in the ME 3)Turned out to be likley target for Iraqi attacks. 4)Deteriorating relations with both Iraq and Iran, as aligned with the US
Continued with Part 2