Gabriel Audet, Government of Québec Lyon - October 20, 2011 EEV20 Policy Initiative PPresentation to European Conference of Regions on Climate Action
Sustainable/Electric mobility Significance for Québec
Electric Mobility | Quebec Policy Context —Climate Change Action Plan — Plan in the making… —- 20% by 2020 (1990 reference) —EV Action Plan —Main electrification policy framework —2020 : 25% of new light passenger vehicle sales —2030 : 95% of trips on the province’s public-transit system on electric-powered vehicles —Hydro-Québec —Government-owned electric utility —Many mandates in transportation electrification
“ I am eager to pursue Québec’s new partnership with The Climate Group through the EV20 Policy Initiative, which will make it easier for state and provincial governments to share best practices on electric vehicles. I now call upon all sub-national governments to also put sustainability and the green economy at the heart of their plans for economic growth and join the Clean Revolution." Premier Charest (September 2011) EEV20 Policy Initiative C CConcept & Project Plan
EV20 Policy Initiative | Purpose —Identify challenges and opportunities —Share best practices —Pursue opportunities for collaboration
EV20 Policy Initiative | Scope —Collect data on EV policies —Analyze policies to identify progress, challenges, opportunities best practices, gaps —Share analysis with leading state and regional governments —Collaborate with other EV networks (e.g. EVI, RMI, C40)
EV20 Policy Initiative | Potential Topics —Engaging corporate fleets —Charging strategies —Effective fiscal policies —Impactful non-fiscal policies —Electrifying public transit —Managing public perceptions
EV20 Policy Initiative | Next Steps —Invite additional members —Survey —Analysis —Initial meeting (May 2012)