The first settlement at Quebec Page 24
The Company of 100 Associates The King of France wanted to set up a colony in North America. He did not want to spend the money.
So he allowed companies to have a monopoly in furs in exchange for setting up the colony
Monopoly Exclusive rights to the resources of the colony. Primarily Fur Monopoly allows the company to set higher prices.
Samuel Champlain The Father of New France
Tadousac 1600 Small post too far from the furs and natives. Closed in 1610 Champlain had come along with no particular role. He made some maps of the St Lawrence river.
Champlain published a book about the new world Des Sauvages: ou voyage de Samuel Champlain, de Brouages, faite en la France nouvelle l'an 1603 "Of Savages: or travels of Samuel Champlain, of Brouages, made in New France the year 1603".
Port Royal Better farmland in the area, but still to far from the furs and natives. Samuel De Champlain played a more important role.
In 1605 and 1606, Champlain explored the land that is now Chatham, Cape Cod as a prospective settlement Small skirmishes with the resident Indians dissuaded him from the idea.
Quebec 1608 Champlain now commanded one of three ships. Champlain landed at Quebec and set about fortifying the area.
Quebec tough winter Of the twenty-eight people who stayed for the winter only eight survived, died of scurvy, smallpox and extreme cold.
Champlain 1610 He made alliances with the Algonquin, Champlain helped them in their war against the Iroquois.
Helene Boullé Champlain entered a marriage contract with, Helene Boullé a 12-year-old girl Because of her youth the marriage was to be carried out only after two years had elapsed Her dowrey of 6,000 help finance the new trading post at Quebec.
It wasn’t until 1620 that Helen came to Quebec with Champlain. She left in Never to return She died in1654
Commander of New France Champlain had a Royal commission that made him the commander of New France.
Champlain explored Richelieu river Lake Champlain Georgian Bay Lake Ontario
1635 Champlain suffered a stroke. Champlain died New Years Day (Christmas Day) Quebec had 150 people living in it and is the first successful French settlement