LABOUR MARKET INFORMATION AT THE PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT SERVICE CENTRE OF QUÉBEC Normand Roy, Director Director for the CETECH and Labour Market Information (DCIMT) Emploi-Québec Workshop on Labour Migration and Labour Market Information Systems 25 February 2009
PRESENTATION OVERVIEW 1.Context and mission of the public employment service in Québec 2.LMI from Emploi-Québec 3.Characteristics, target public, fields of action, and LMI functions 4.Production of LMI and forecasting exercises 5.Dissemination of LMI and LMI On-Line
BRIEF FIGURES ABOUT QUÉBEC Population of more than 7.5 million. Almost one Canadian out of every four (22.7%) lives in Québec. The economically active population totals some 4 million people. In 2008, the unemployment rate was 7.2%, broadly the same as in 40% of the population aged between 25 and 64 years has post-secondary or university education: one of the highest rates in the OECD countries. Québec's per capita GDP is $29,000 (PPP USD), compared to $34,000 (PPP USD) for Canada.
MISSION OF EMPLOI-QUÉBEC The mission of Emploi-Québec is to assist the development of employment and workers, and to tackle unemployment, exclusion, and poverty, within a perspective of economic and social development.
EMPLOI-QUÉBEC: BRIEFLY An agency of the Ministry of Employment and Social Solidarity (4,500 employees and 150 local job centres) Clientele: individuals, companies, and associations Services offered: Universal information services on the labour and job markets Specialized services (active measurements) Annual budget of almost $1 billion ($ CAN): 250,000 workers assisted 40,000 employers assisted 125,000 people employed after the involvement of Emploi- Québec Partners are involved with the agency’s management Managerial model that is partnership-based, decentralized, and results-oriented (targets agreed on with the government in an action plan)
DEFINITION OF LMI Labour market information (LMI) is information of use to: person any person who is looking for a job, wants to make a career choice, or wishes to improve his/her position on the job market, and employer any employer who is in need of qualified workers to pursue his/her company's purpose.
DEFINITION OF LMI (2) LMI primarily provides details about: jobs available skills sought working conditions training offered and sought job descriptions job market trends and, in general, any facts that can help understand the dynamics of the labour market
CHARACTERISTICS OF LMI LMI must be up-to-date, reliable, complete, and useful INTERVENTION LEVELS: Local (around 150 local centres) Regional (17) and metropolitan National PROVIDED ON SELF-SERVICE AND ASSISTED BASES
FIELDS OF ACTION AND FUNCTIONS OF LMI Emploi-Québec is a user, producer, and publisher of LMI Functions of LMI: 1.Dissemination: LMI is a universal service 2.Support for public employment services: Planning of measurements Support for measurements and services
TARGET PUBLIC OF LMI Users: people with jobs and people without jobs, welfare recipients, unemployment benefit recipients, and students choosing a career businesses (at least 200,000 companies) Participants: staff of Emploi-Québec, labour market partners… Partners and external resources Ministries and agencies of the government of Québec ( MELS, CSST, MICC, school networks... )
DISSEMINATION OF LMI Ways LMI is made available: Comprehensive web site: LMI On-line Web sites of Emploi-Québec and of the CETECH: studies, research, analyses Collaboration with private outreach bodies Printed materials
Two exercises in forecasting and diagnosis by Emploi-Québec: Professional Perspectives Professions in Demand
PROFESSIONAL PERSPECTIVES The professional perspectives model developed by Emploi-Québec has the following characteristics: Three components: expansion demand, replacement demand, and available workers Produced for the 17 regions of Québec and for the province as a whole Covers 500 trades and professions Updated yearly
PROFESSIONAL PERSPECTIVES SOME RESULTS Slightly over 700,000 positions to be filled between 2008 and 2012, of which: 230,000 additional jobs will be created 480,000 positions requiring replacements (departures following retirement) 160 professions offer professional perspectives that are favourable or very favourable The health sector will continue to enjoy very favourable perspectives The IT sector will remain dynamic
PROFESSION CURRENTLY IN DEMAND A profession in which the current demand for workers by employers is judged to be enough to allow qualified job-seekers a reasonable chance of securing such a position
SOME EXAMPLES OF PROFESSIONS CURRENTLY IN DEMAND General practitioners and family doctors (3112) Dentists (3113) Pharmacists (3131) Audiologists and speech therapists (3141) Physical therapists (3142) Registered nurses (3152) Community- and social-service workers (4212) Kindergarten teachers and kindergarten assistants (4214) Specialized teachers (4215) Translators, terminologists, and interpreters (5125) Graphic design technicians (5223) Graphic designers and illustrators (5241) Technical sales specialists: wholesale (6221)
THE PROFESSIONS CURRENTLY IN DEMAND EXERCISE ENTAILS… 1.Seventeen regional lists of professions in demand 2.One list for Québec as a whole 3.A sectoral list (according to NAICS sector groupings) 4.One list for the Greater Montréal Region
LMI ON-LINE LMI on- line
To provide, via the internet, a coherent array of information related to the labour market, with data that is easy to understand and interpret, and so allow informed choices to be made in connection with job-market matters GOAL OF LMI ON-LINE
In April 2003, Emploi-Québec made a labour market information service available on line. In , it received more than 2 million visits. LMI ON-LINE
Personalized access to full labour market information (LMI): trades and professions professional perspectives lists of professions in demand training programs overviews of different sectors directory of companies FEATURES
FEATURES (CONT.) Data for Québec as a whole and each of its regions Links to training programs: Professional and Technical Training Information Highway (FPT Inforoute), and Web sites of Québec universities Interaction with the on-line placement service of Emploi-Québec A bilingual site
THE FOUR PORTALS Trades and professions –Professional perspectives –Professions in demand – Training programs – link to education (Inforoute) – Job offers – link to on-line placement – And plenty of other information Training programs – Professional and technical programs – link to education (Inforoute) – University programs – links to Québec's universities – And plenty of other information Business sectors – Sector overviews – Professions in demand – And plenty of other information Directory of companies – Name, address – Business sectors – Number of employees
LMI: BETTER PLANNING FOR IMMIGRATION TO QUÉBEC Collaboration with the Québec Ministry of Immigration and Cultural Communities: So that new arrivals are selected for training in trades that offer good job prospects Identification of under-pressure professions (in conjunction with the Government of Canada) for the selection of temporary immigrants Publishing LMI on the internet encourages the circulation of information: Future immigrants can use LMI On-line to research Québec's labour market
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