CVIS RESEARCH UPDATE for CANADA AASHTO International Day 2009 ITS World Congress September 21, 2009
CVIS Research Update for Canada2 Overview Canada needs to be involved Principles Planned Centres and Testbeds Impact Studies Networked Vehicle Association A Final Thought
CVIS Research Update for Canada3 Canada Needs to be Involved Geography / proximity Implications for economy / trade Implications for infrastructure
CVIS Research Update for Canada4 Principles Recognize and complement U.S. work Raise awareness among government, industry and academic stakeholders Establish network of centres of expertise and wireless testbeds at Canadian universities Support the newly formed ITS Canada IntelliDrive (SM) Task Force Continue participation in USDOT and AASHTO IntelliDrive (SM) committees and Virginia DOT IntelliDrive (SM) Pooled Fund Study
CVIS Research Update for Canada5 Planned Centres and Testbeds University of British Columbia BC Ministry of Transportation Port Metro Vancouver Wireless Freight Security and Efficiency (WiFSE) Université de Sherbrooke Quebec ministère des Transports Mobile Road Weather Information Systems (mRWIS) University of New Brunswick NB Department of Transportation Wireless Rural Transportation Safety and Efficiency (WiRTSE)
CVIS Research Update for Canada6 Impact Studies University of ReginaAlternative Technologies for Precision Positioning Systems (complete) University of WaterlooIntellidrive (SM) Data to Support Transportation Management Operations (in progress) Dr. Brendon HemilyIntellidrive (SM) Opportunities and Challenges for Urban Public Transportation (in progress) University of OttawaCanadian Data Privacy Issues Arising from the Deployment of Intellidrive (SM) (complete)
CVIS Research Update for Canada7 Networked Vehicle Association Global: not-for-profit, located in Canada Goal: merge automotive and broadband ICT industries to create a new networked vehicle platform for applications and services Focus: IntelliDrive (SM) Principle 9: Mobility, Environment, Productivity and Convenience Vision: 1000 km long-term evolution (LTE) testbed corridor from Detroit/Windsor to Quebec City Members include: IBM, Cisco, HP, Xerox, Microsoft, Intel,CA, Bell, Oracle, BMW
CVIS Research Update for Canada8 A Final Thought Need for International Collaboration & Standards
9 INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT FORUM (ITF) Overview of the ITF: –Established in 2006 by Transport Ministers of 51 countries –Purpose to offer a platform to work on transport issues of global significance and to foster a deeper understanding of the integral role transport plays in the economy –ITF holds its annual meeting in Leipzig, Germany –Chair of the annual meeting rotates on a voluntary basis. –Canada will be the chair for ITF 2010 and is actively involved in preparations for this meeting. –The theme for ITF 2010 is “Transportation and Innovation”
10 Preliminary Program for ITF 2010 Day One – “Research and Industry Day” Workshops Wednesday, 26 May 2010 Themes: Innovations for more efficient, safe and secure supply chains Innovations to create a more sustainable transport system Innovations for public transport Innovative approaches to transport systems and infrastructure renewal Innovations in public policy Promoting partnerships for transportation innovation Co-operative vehicle systems
11 Program for ITF 2010 Day Two: “Decision-Makers’ Day” Minister-Industry Panels Thursday, 27 May 2010 Panels: –The Transport System of 2050 –Overcoming Barriers to Innovation –Fostering Innovative Clusters & Collaboration in Transport Ministerial Session (Closed)
12 Program for ITF 2010 Day Three: Summary and Next Steps Friday, 28 May 2010 Presently contemplating: –Reporting of results of Workshops –Providing a forum for International Organizations –Commitments to next steps in Innovative Partnering
13 Workshop on Cooperative Vehicle Systems Purpose: to present progress & future directions in cooperative systems Currently two sessions envisaged 1: Public Sector 2: Private Sector Panellists in each session would be asked to comment on the need for new mechanisms to foster innovation and collaboration and/or whether existing organizations could perform this role Outcome: a list of policy recommendations for Ministers
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