DOG Week 24-26
Would the distance from Chicago, Illinois, to Little Rock, Arkansas, be closest to 150, 550, 950, or 1550 miles? What are some reasons that people might leave the country of their birth to move to another country? (2 reasons) Which state extends farther west, Virginia or West Virginia? What parts (city) of South Carolina are north of North Carolina? What is the capital of the European country that is in the shape of a boot? What is the name of the island that is being “kicked” by the boot?
Which is larger in terms of land area, Germany or France? List the capitals for both of these countries. What sea borders India’s west coast? What 6 countries are found on India’s borders? Belize is in what direction from Cuba? What body of water separates Belize and Cuba? What is the capital of Canada? Why do you think most of Canada is uninhabited?
Agriculture began in the region between the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers, called Mesopotamia. On which continent is this region located? What is the southernmost state of the 48 contiguous states? What is the southernmost point in the contiguous US? What is the capital of the island nation called the United Kingdom? List 3 countries that make up the United Kingdom. What nation was formed by the United Nations in 1948 as a homeland for the Jewish people? Name the countries that border this nation.
What natural boundary lies between Thailand and Laos? Trace this river what countries does it flow through and where does its mouths go? The following are the four largest lakes in the world: Caspian Sea, Lake Superior, Lake Victoria and Lake Huron. To which continent (s) do they belong? On what river are Montreal and Quebec City located? Identify the source and mouth of this river. What time zone lies between the Eastern Standard and Mountain Standard time zones in USA? How many time zones are in the contiguous US? What are the names of the time zones part of the US that are not contiguous? Page 25 of your textbook Which European country is farthest north: Austria, Germany, or Switzerland? Identify 9 other countries that border this country.