Valeriy Tenishev, Dmitriy Borovikov, Nicolas Fougere, Yuni Lee, Michael R. Combi, Tamas Gombosi, Martin Rubin
SWMF Control & Infrastructure Eruption Generator Solar Corona Inner Heliosphere Global Magnetosphere Polar Wind Inner Magnetosphere Ionospheric Electrodynamics Thermosphere & Ionosphere Energetic Particles Radiation Belts 3D Outer Heliosphere Couplers Flare/CME Observations Upstream Monitors Radars Magnetometers In-situ F10.7 Flux Gravity Waves Magneto- grams, rotation tomography Particle in Cell Particle Tracker BATSRUS IPIC3D AMPS BATSRUS
DSMC scheme o Realistic modeling of collisions in rarefied gas o Photochemical reactions for production of the minor species Two phase simulation: gas and dust in a single model run Adaptive mesh with cut-cells o Irregular nucleus shape for modeling the coma o Realistic shape model of Rosetta spacecraft for modeling of its gas environment o Variable mesh resolution to capture important features of the dusty gas flow Integration with SPICE and SWMF
Non-equilibrium dusty gas flow Comets, planetary satellites and exospheres ▪ Common characteristic: the collision coupling cannot maintain the state of the equilibrium Kinetic description Boltzmann equation The evolution of the system is modeled by tracing the model particles ▪ Translational motion is separated from the particles collisions and chemistry
Translational particle motion Particle collisions and chemistry HS, VHS, VSS molecular models TC, NTC, MF collision models LB, QLB models of the internal degrees of freedom Photo-ionization and photo-dissociation
Ion/neutral gas and dust Modeled simultaneously Optimizations Local time step and particle weight Individual particle weight correction Domain decomposition Load balancing ▪ Static: volume, cell number ▪ Dynamic: particle number, execution time
AMR with cut-cells
Stand-along and a component of SWMF Settings User-defined parameter file User-defined model routines Generic AMPS’ core
New coupling scheme between AMPS and BATSRUS One-way coupling in production runs
Na in Moon’s exosphere SPICE routines are integrated into AMPS. SPICE is used for calculating Moon’s orbital parameters, location of the spacecraft and pointing direction of the instrument. Sodium exospheric brightness. Comparison with observations obtained by UV instrument onboard Kaguya. Calculation of the column integrals are incorporated into AMPS.
New development: O2 and O2+ in Europa’s exosphere O2 number density. Produced via sputtering by the magnetospheric ions. The ions flux is derived form BATSRUS restart files O2+ number density. Produced ionization of O2. Newly created ions are traced in the fields exported from BATSRUS restart files