Causes More than 50% of Hong Kong’s air pollution comes from coal fired power plants, old diesel trucks and ships. There are plans of building a new bridge connecting Macau- Zhuhai-Hong Kong. This will also increase the air pollution. Hong Kong is a fast moving city, when there is a traffic jam hundreds of cars and other vehicles are left running polluting the air more.
API (Air Pollution Index) Severe Very High High Medium Low Air Quality is worse than both short and long term AQOs Air Quality worse than both short and long term AQOs Air quality within AQOs Air quality within short term AQOs but worse in long term AQos Air quality within all AQOs
Answers Number of most seen vehicles in Hong Kong VehiclesPrivate carsTaxisPublic Light Buses Private Light Buses Government vehicles Total Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July August Sept Total
Effects of Co2 Percentage of Co2Effects 1%Feeling drowsy 2%Feeling of heaviness in the cheat and more deeper breaths 3%Breathing rate doubles 5%Increases by 4 times 7.5%Headaches, Dizziness, Restlessness and feel like you cannot breath 10%Vomiting 30%Can get into a coma
Answers Pollutant 1997 Emission (Tonnes) 2006 Emission (Tonnes) Change in Emission (%) Reduction Target (%) SO2 65,900 73,90012%-40% NOx 123,000 94,800-23%-20% RSP 11,400 5,860-48%-55% VOC 68,900 41,200-40%-55% There have been Progress in Reducing Emissions in Hong Kong since By the table above should show you some detail on the Reducing of the Emission.