Prepared by Abeer Alhabash
Maximum temperature The maximum at which a species can live indefinitely in an active state is called as maximum effective temperature. If the temperature is raised above maximum effective temperature the animal enter into heat coma. Prepared by Abeer Alhabash
Minimum temperature The lowest temperature at which an organism can live indefinitely in an active state is termed minimum effective temperature. If an animal is subjected to a temperature below the minimum effective limit it enter into a condition of inactiveness called Chill coma. Prepared by Abeer Alhabash
Aim of work An experiment to determine what effect a change in water temperature has on the rate of respiration in fish. Prepared by Abeer Alhabash
Materials Goldfish Crushed ice large beaker hot water Thermometer Timer Prepared by Abeer Alhabash
1.Carefully remove a fish from the tank and place it in a beaker that is half filled with the water from the tank that held the fish. 2. Record the water temperature on your table. Now count the number of times the gill cover (operculum) closes in first minute, second minute and third minute. Prepared by Abeer Alhabash
Add warm water to the beaker until the temperature is 35 degrees above the original room temperature. record three reading for movement gills at this temperature. Prepared by Abeer Alhabash
Fish transported to the water temperature of 25 degrees, then add ice to the water in the beaker until the temperature is 10 degrees below the original room temperature. Now count the number of times the gill cover closes in three minutes Prepared by Abeer Alhabash
Calculate the average number of gill cover movements for each of the 3 different water temperature. Prepared by Abeer Alhabash
average number of gill movement third minute second minute First minuteTemperature C°15 C°25C°25 C°35C°35 Prepared by Abeer Alhabash
RQ Respiratory Quotient K1= Average gills movement at a temperature (T1) (K2= Average gills movement at a temperature (T2 Prepared by Abeer Alhabash