Please give credit to the researchers listed on the slides Surgical Simulation Master File Richard M. Satava, MD FACS Professor of Surgery University of Washington School of Medicine and Program Manager, Advanced Biomedical Technologies Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Special Assistant, Advance Medical Technologies US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command
ENT Sinusoscopy Simulator Lockheed Martin 1999 Haptics Full System
Types of Simulators Simple precision Needle bx, spinal anesthesia, IV Simple task Endoscopy, arthroscopy, angio Complex task Anastomosis simulator Complete proc Laparoscopy, liver, etc
Ultrasound Anesthesia Mannequin patient simulators MedSim Inc, 1995
Anesthesia Simulator Courtesy Medsim, Inc, 1994
IV simulator MusculoGraphics and BDI, 1995
MIST-VR Virtual Presence Inc, 1999
Anastomosis Simulator Marc Raibert, BDInc, 1998
Tendon Simulator J Rosen & Scott Delp, 1989
Georgia Tech Eye Simulator 1995
Limb trauma simulator MusculoGraphics and BDI, 1994
MIST – VR Virtual Presence Inc, 1999 Modeling and Simulation
LapSim simulator showing abstract and texture mapped tasks Courtesy Andres Hytland, Sugical Science, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2000
LapSim simulator showing abstract and texture mapped tasks Courtesy Andres Hytland, Sugical Science, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2000
VEST LapSim – One Irrigation model (Courtesy Prof. Gehard Buess, Tubingen, Germany)
VEST LapSim – One Gynecological module (Courtesy Prof. Gehard Buess, Tubingen, Germany)
Tissue Properties Measurements Mark P. Ottensmeyer, Ph.D., Daniel Kalanovic, M.D., Joachim Gross, Ph.D. CIMIT, MIT/MGH, Boston University of Tübingen, Germany
Laparoscopic Simulator with tactile feedback Courtesy Murielle Launay, Xitact, Lausanne Switzerland Laparoscopic hysterectomy Courtesy Michael vanLent, ICT, Los Angeles, CA
Laparoscopic Simulator with tactile feedback Courtesy Murielle Launay, Xitact, Lausanne Switzerland. 2001
Laparoscopic Simulator screen Courtesy Murielle Launay, Xitact, Lausanne Switzerland. 2001
Figure 9. The KISMET robotic surgery system, showing surgical workstation and remote Manipulators – ca (Courtesy Gerhard Buess, MD, Tuebingen, Germany)
VEST LapSim – One system (Courtesy Prof. Gehard Buess, Tubingen, Germany)
VEST LapSim – One Lap Cholecystectomy module (Courtesy Prof. Gehard Buess, Tubingen, Germany)
VEST LapSim – One Gallbladder model (Courtesy Prof. Gehard Buess, Tubingen, Germany)
VEST LapSim – One Dissection model (Courtesy Prof. Gehard Buess, Tubingen, Germany)
Military Training Technology Vol 5, October, 2000
Virtual textbook Helene Hoffmann, UCSD 1997
Break Carle Community Medical School The Form at Carle Champaign, IL March 17, 2001
Intra-disciplinary research is key Complexity of research will intensify Devices/materials will mimic biologic processes ( networks sensors) Humans will be incorporating devices (MEMS, Nano) Transplantation will be with artificial organs Life extension results in older population, more chronic disease SATAVA 7 July, 1999 DARPA Implications for Science
Pre-op planning facial deforminty Courtesy David Altobelli, Brigham Womens Hospital, Boston MA
Virtual Medic Norm Badler (Univ Penn) Sharon Stansfield (Sandia Labs)