Photo chc_uw_intro.jpg “The Center for Child Environmental Health Risks Research was formed to learn more about children’s susceptibility to pesticides and the ways pesticides affect normal development and learning.”
Photo chc_uw_1.jpg “The Pesticide Exposure Pathways Project at the University of Washington’s Center for Child Environmental Health Risks Research uses environmental modeling, environmental sampling, child activity analysis, biological monitoring and analysis of aerial photography to characterize the exposure pathways for children living in agricultural communities. This photo is of a child wearing a GPS-PAL in a vest. The dashed lines indicate location of components inside the vest. Clothing does not block reception.”
Photo chc_uw_2.jpg “The resolution of the child-worn GPS-PAL tracking system can differentiate between distinct inside and outside areas. The dashed lines indicate the path of a child over the course of a day.”
Photo chc_uw_3.jpg “When a plan of a structure is laid over the child’s path, the GPS-PAL system can track inside structures as well.”
Photo chc_uw_4.jpg “The Community-based Participatory Research Project at the University of Washington’s Center for Child Environmental Health Risks Research investigates the multiple pathways that contribute to children's pesticide exposure in an agricultural community in Washington state.”
Photo chc_uw_6.jpg “Community-based Participatory Research project staff member Lupe Sotelo explains how to reduce take-home pesticide exposure at a home in the Yakima Valley, Washington. Photo: Gloria Coronado.”
Photo chc_uw_7.jpg “The Community-based Participatory Research project joins other Yakima Valley-based health and wellness groups at community health fairs to share information about reducing pesticide exposure. Photo: Gloria Coronado.”
Photo chc_uw_8.jpg “Handing out toys such as frisbees and basketballs draws kids to the Community-based Participatory Research project’s table where they learn simple things to help reduce their exposure to pesticides. Photo: Gloria Coronado.”
Photo chc_uw_9.jpg “The Community-based Participatory Research project recruits families with small children to learn more about children in agricultural communities are exposed to pesticides. Photo: Gloria Coronado.”
Photo chc_uw_10.jpg “After a series of presentations made in second and third grade classrooms by the Community-based Participatory Research project, students were invited to enter a coloring contest. Winning entries were included in a calendar. In this drawing, the woman tells the man to wash his own clothes because she’s going to a dance…and reminds him to leave his boots outside. Photo: Gloria Coronado.”
Photo chc_uw_11.jpg “The Pesticide Exposure Pathways uses LIDAR to track a spray drift event over an orchard in an agricultural area of Washington state. The data will be used to develop a spatial model. Photo: Robert Crampton.”