Main features of the TA operational programme Covers the horizontal needs for the whole system of structural instruments management and implementation Covers the horizontal needs for the whole system of structural instruments management and implementation Allows for enhanced coordination of structural instruments management Allows for enhanced coordination of structural instruments management Is based on the principle of subsidiarity Is based on the principle of subsidiarity High degree of complementarity with the sectorial and regional OPs High degree of complementarity with the sectorial and regional OPs
Priorities Priority 1: Support for the management and coordination of the structural instruments and for the implementation of the Technical Assistance OP Priority 1: Support for the management and coordination of the structural instruments and for the implementation of the Technical Assistance OP Priority 2: Further development and support for the functioning of the Single Management Information System Priority 2: Further development and support for the functioning of the Single Management Information System Priority 3: Dissemination of Information and Promotion of structural instruments Priority 3: Dissemination of Information and Promotion of structural instruments
Priority 1: Support for the management and coordination of the structural instruments and for the implementation of the Operational Programme for Technical Assistance : Measure 1.1: Measure 1.2: Measure 1.3: Support to the programming, monitoring, financial management, control and internal audit of the structural instruments Support to the programming, monitoring, financial management, control and internal audit of the structural instruments Functioning of the National Coordination Committee and of the Monitoring Committee for OPTA Functioning of the National Coordination Committee and of the Monitoring Committee for OPTA Evaluation of NDP, NSRF and OPTA Evaluation of NDP, NSRF and OPTA
Priority 1: Support for the management and coordination of the structural instruments and for the implementation of the OP Technical Assistance Measure 1.4: Measure 1.5: Measure 1.6: Horizontal training in the field of management of programmes/projects Horizontal training in the field of management of programmes/projects Support to the implementation of OPTA including preparation, selection, internal evaluation, monitoring and control Support to the implementation of OPTA including preparation, selection, internal evaluation, monitoring and control Supply of office equipments for the MACSF, Certification and Paying Authority and Audit Authority Supply of office equipments for the MACSF, Certification and Paying Authority and Audit Authority
Priority 2: Further development and support for the functioning of the Single Management Information System Measure 2.1: Measure 2.1: Measure 2.2: Measure 2.2: Measure 2.3: Measure 2.3: Measure 2.4: Measure 2.4: Development and maintenance of the Development and maintenance of the SMIS SMIS Functioning of the SMIS Unit Functioning of the SMIS Unit Training of the users, distribution of user guides and communication related to SMIS Training of the users, distribution of user guides and communication related to SMIS Supply of equipment for the operation of SMIS Supply of equipment for the operation of SMIS
Priority 3: Dissemination of Information and Promotion of structural instruments Measure 3.1: Measure 3.2: Measure 3.3: Dissemination of general information and publicity activities regarding the structural instruments allocated to Romania. Publicity concerning TAOP Dissemination of general information and publicity activities regarding the structural instruments allocated to Romania. Publicity concerning TAOP Operation of the Structural Instruments Information Centre Operation of the Structural Instruments Information Centre Exchange of information among the participants to the structural instruments implementation process Exchange of information among the participants to the structural instruments implementation process
Partnership In-depth discussions took place with the representatives of the MAs for the sectorial and regional OPs as well as the Certifying Authority during October 2005, aiming at better identifying the needs for assistance as well as the possible overlapping between OPTA and the TA priorities and measures within the other OPs. In-depth discussions took place with the representatives of the MAs for the sectorial and regional OPs as well as the Certifying Authority during October 2005, aiming at better identifying the needs for assistance as well as the possible overlapping between OPTA and the TA priorities and measures within the other OPs. A working group for technical assistance purposes will start its activity on 1 st of November A working group for technical assistance purposes will start its activity on 1 st of November 2005.