Smart Specialisation Platform at JRC - IPTS Inger Midtkandal JRC IPTS - S3 Platform Warsaw, June 2012
2 Smart Specialisation Platform, tools and activities What is the S3 Platform? The RIS 3 guide Tools for assessment and learning
Designed to assist regions and Member States in developing RIS3 strategies Launched in June 2011 Managed by a team established at JRC-IPTS in Seville Monitored by a Steering Team incl. DG REGIO, RTD, ENTR, EAC, INFSO, SANCO, AGRI, CLIMA Input from a Mirror Group of European high-level experts and network representatives
Support to regions in preparing RIS3 Peer Review workshops Informal assessment of RIS3 Seminars/events in Member States and EU Macro-regions Website RIS3 Methodological Guide Thematic working groups Analytical and scientific based advice
S3 Platform 65 registered regions by June 2012 POLSKA Dolny Śląsk (Lower Silesia) Lubelskie Lubuskie Mazovieckie Podkarpackie Świętokrzyskie Województwo Podlaskie ROMÂNIA Vest SLOVAKIA Bratislava
6 PART I: THE POLICY CONTEXT PART II: THE RATIONALE PART III: RIS3 DESIGN IN A NUTSHELL Annex I – A step-by-step approach to RIS3 design Annex II – Delivery instruments and horizontal approaches Annex III – Guidance for expert assessment Edited by JRC IPTS in association with DG REGIO and with contributions from: D. Foray, P. McCann, J. Goddard, K. Morgan, C. Nauwelaers, R. Ortega, Commission officials from various DGs and S3 Platform team Available on the S3 Platform webpage The RIS3 Guide
7 What is a RIS3? (research and innovation strategy for smart specialisation) Building on the past Widespread experience of national/regional innovation strategies in the framework of the EU Cohesion Policy Achieved greater co-operation among private and public stakeholders and better communication between technology providers and clients Breaking with the past Lack of international and trans-regional perspective Not in tune with the industrial and economic fabric of regions Too narrow vision of innovation Picking the winner syndrome The best performing regions were just copied
8 RIS3 guide - Key steps for developing a RIS3 Step 1 – Analysis of regional context/potential Step 2 – Governance Step 3 – Vision for the future Step 4 – Selection of priorities Step 5 – Policy mix Step 6 – Monitoring and evaluation RIS3 AnalysisProcessVisionPrioritiesPolicy mixMonitoring
Step 1 – Analysis of regional context and potential for innovation (I) A broader definition of innovation, not just RTD-oriented Assess existing regional assets Identify regional competitive advantage Detect emerging niches for smart specialisation Combine methods (e.g. regional profiling, SWOT approach; surveys)
Step 1 – Analysis of regional context – looking out – and potential for innovation (II) Assess region’s positioning within the EU Beware of global companies and value chains Flows of knowledge and skills Avoid ‘blind’ duplication, discover possibilities for collaboration Combine methods (e.g. studies; interviews; interregional work groups) Outward-looking Analysis:
Step 1 – Analysis of regional context and potential for innovation (III) Different types of actors Spirit of the entrepreneurial environment Involvement of entrepreneurial actors in the regional economy Firms, but also Universities, Technology Centers, Venture Capitalists, Regional Development Agencies.. Identify economic differentiation potential Combine methods consultation with firms, clusters; technological audits; foresight studies Analysis of entrepreneurial dynamics and identification of future opportunities:
Step 2 – Governance: Ensuring participation and ownership Include the demand-side perspective Quadruple Helix Collaborative leadership Boundary spanning individuals and organisations Dedicated Steering Group/ Knowledge Leadership Group, Management Team, Working groups Wider engagement of stakeholders:
Step 3 – Developing an overall vision of the region’s future Formulate different scenarios based on analyses and debate where your region wants to go Produce a positive tension towards the future Guarantee long-term engagement of stakeholders Mobilising power Shared vision of the region’s potential and main directions for its international positioning:
Step 4 – Identification of priorities Focus on a limited number of areas with potential for smart specialisation as emerged from entrepreneurial discovery Areas where the region hopes to excel Pay attention to horizontal priorities (Key Enabling Technologies, social innovation, etc.) Avoid capture by interest groups! Decision-making step where top-down meets bottom-up:
Step 5 – Implementation, definition of a coherent policy mix, roadmaps and action plan Roadmap will include: Action plan target groups, objectives, timeframes, indicators, sources of funding and budget allocations Pilot projects experiment with unprecedented policy mixes, obtain inputs for updating RIS3 strategies Organising and detailing rules and tools:
Step 6 – Integration of monitoring and evaluation mechanisms Monitoring to verify the correct and efficient implementation of activities Evaluation to verify whether and how strategic goals are met Importance of ex-ante setting of measurable targets and output/outcome indicators Mechanisms integrated in the strategy:
The importance of communication of RIS3 To ensure RIS3 endorsement by all stakeholders To engage new stakeholders To inform the general public Communication is needed at every stage of the process Good communication is crucial:
(Peer) Review and update of RIS3 Always a need to adapt and update the strategy Information is gathered during implementation and incorporated into an updated RIS3 Peer-review exercise: 1 st Workshop in Seville (January 2012) 2 nd Workshop in Seville (May 2012) 3 rd Workshop in the Azores (June 2012) 4 th Workshop in Pisa (September 2012) 5 th Workshop Atlantic Arc (November 2012) 6th Workshop Somewhere (Dec 2012/Jan 2013) Formulating and implementing a RIS3 is a continuous process:
RIS3 Peer Review Methodology and transnational learning Presentations of RIS3 based on template with the 6 key elements of the guide; Distributed to ‘critical friends’ and experts together with background documents on the regions Peer discussion at the workshop Feedback report prepared by S3Platform: ‘feedback from the workshop’; Follow-ups after the workshop. Allows: - To switch roles (a region can be peer-reviewed as well as it can act as a peer-reviewer within the scope of same workshop); - To concentrate peer-learning in space and time, making it less formal and more open to interaction; - To integrate expertise and knowledge from a variety of sources: collaborative contribution from peers, experts from academia and Commission services. The SECI Model (Nonaka and Takeuchi)
Peer-review: current levels of participation Seville, January regions participating from 10 countries 6 CONV regions Seville, May regions participating from 11 countries 4 CONV regions The Azores, June regions participating from 10 countries 11 CONV regions 12 regions have been peer reviewed: Friesland (NL) Nord-Pas de Calais (FR) The Basque Country (ES) West (RO) Scania County (SE) Apulia (IT) Wallonia (BE) Northern Ireland (UK) The Azores (PT) Cornwall (UK) Canary Islands (ES) Réunion (FR) Seven other regions have expressed interest to be peer reviewed
Informal RIS3 assessment Stakeholder involvement? Innovation and knowledge- based development priorities? Appropriate actions identified? Outward looking? Promote critical mass/potential? Evidence- based? Draft RIS 3 from REGION X Align and leverage EU/national/regional policies towards identified areas of current and potential future strength? Conclusions and advice Region X Synergies between policies and funding sources? Innovation and knowledge- based development priorities? Appointed Expert(s) See expert questions in annex II of RIS 3 guide
Self assessment of your RIS 3 process RIS3 AnalysisGovernanceVisionPrioritiesPolicy mixMonitoring Elaborated from the original proposal by C.Saublens, EURADA
23 Thank you!