Jib Transfer Bench – P /11/2012
Problem Definition Customer Needs / Specifications Functional Decomposition Benchmarks First CAD Design Concept Generation Selection Criteria Matrix Preliminary Calculations Budget Estimate Project Plan
Task is to design a mechanical solution to move a disabled jib trimmer from side to side so they can perform their crew function
Gary & Zak ◦ No leg mobility / core support ◦ Desires to be fully secured Cindy ◦ Partial leg & core strength ◦ Desires freedom to exit seat ◦ Limited footprint available due to Richard’s chair Height differences to consider
Must be able to translate AND rotate independent of each other (i.e. not fixed)
Platform Top Travel Bars Bottom Travel Bar Traveler Seat Bracket Seat Support Bar
Handhold mechanisms on the previous team’s captain’s chair
We plan to use something similar to secure our device to the front handholds to the boat
Brainstormed ideas for each main component of our assembly: ◦ Seat ◦ Method of motion (translation and rotation) ◦ Method of propulsion ◦ Harness ◦ Locking mechanism All must fall within our size constraints for Richard’s boat and without extending into the other team’s footprint
Concept: Chair that can rotate on a pair of rails spanning the boat Problem: With full 180° rotation, legs will smack
“Seat-Within-A-Seat” initial sketch ◦ Swivel chair on rails that span the boat One bar w/ bottom support Two bar w/o support
Telescoping arm anchored on the boat floor (platform) ◦ Seat mounted on top of arm
Jib trimmers with limited core strength ◦ Propel themselves linearly ◦ Rotate themselves ◦ No electrical solution, 100% mechanical
Settled on a purchase system ◦ Pulley system that will allow the user to pull themselves with a mechanical advantage
Currently, not settled on a specific lock. ◦ Fence lock, pin lock, friction plate ◦ Cleating purchase system lines to lock chair Check prices Check compatibility of what we want to do
Must support jib trimmer’s ◦ Torso ◦ Legs Should have capability to accept and secure a user’s wheelchair cushion should they wish to use it.
Lazy Susan design
Swivel Stool Go-Kart Seat Racecar Seat
5-point harness Secured Double-Velcro vest Lap Belt
Compiled all ideas, determined the best: “Seat-Within-A-Seat” Chair Harness or double-Velcro vest Purchase system for motion Undetermined locking mechanism See Excel file
ComponentZak & GaryCindy Seat Go-Kart SeatSwivel Stool Torso Securing Mechanism 3/5 point HarnessLap Belt or Velcro Leg Support Wheelchair Footrestnone Method of Movement SWIAS 3-bar BB&B Movement Force 3-1 Purchase system Locking Mechanism Friction Brake & Cleats Two separate systems based on individual customer needs
Go-Kart Seat
Calculations to prove the design: Using aluminum traveler bars Box tube deflection – 7075 Aluminum ◦ Weight sitting on ◦ Deflection: inches ◦ Shears at 19.9° Box tube shear strength Looking at smaller, cheaper, lighter materials
Assuming 260-lb human
Drop platform onto floor Lock into first handhold (using similar locking device from Gold Medal Chair) Jib trimmer sits in chair and straps in Sail away!
Based on the Gold Medal Chair: ◦ $1,658 Based on research of components that we are looking at: ◦ $2,000
Continue with design phase CAD Modeling Create Bill of Materials Prove Design Detailed Design Review in 3-5 weeks Order parts Build, install, sail!