Honor Among Knights In the Dining Hall and at Recess
ENTERING THE DINING HALL Entering from recess Line up in a straight line Listen to aides and staff to quietly enter the dining hall Reaming seated at your table until you are called to get your lunch Entering from class Quietly enter with your teacher and sit at your table Remain seated at your table until you are called to get your lunch
RESTROOM PROCEDURE Ask Lunch aide to go to the bathroom. Only one boy and one girl to leave the dining hall at a time. Use orange vest to go to the bathroom. All students must use the bathrooms near the office.
Make sure you have everything with you If going to class: Line up by classroom Listen to aides and teacher directions If you are going to recess: Listen to the aides for dismissal Walk to the doors in a line EXITING THE DINING HALL
RECESS Play safely Listen to all aides and staff No rough touch football
Always Show Honor Among Knight In the Dining Hall and at Recess
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