Speed Series Jason Mensing Head Football Coach Tecumseh High School
Contacts Jason Mensing Head Football Coach Tecumseh High School (Formerly Owosso High School) Phone: Please try and call after 7 p.m.
Speed Series Speed Series is a secondary series Mastery of Basic Power plays is critical prior to instructing the Rocket Works to establish horizontal pressure View as a bubble screen when the defense gives it to you it is critical that you take. The defense does have the ability to defend it by alignment but this should open up the rest of your offense.
Rocket Sweep Allows you to have false keys, play side TE, on the inside with Trap action. Allows you to force defenders to widen and play more of the field opening up larger lanes to your complements. Great halfback pass complement Great Belly complement
Rocket Go over rules/techniques on board. PSWB three steps of width dip and rip through the outside number of the widest defender PSTE Evasive Reach (False Influence) Also check reach vs. a fast flow read player Tackle power pull flat down the LOS cut off 2 nd defender do not worry about leading the play. PSG-BSTE follow Trap rules BSWB two and ½ to 3 steps of hard motion running as fast as you can, you should catch the pitch on the outside foot of the TE at 4 yards of depth. FB fake Trap QB 9 o clock, 4:30 pull ball to belly point down extend your arms for fast knuckleball pitch.
Rocket Drills Prim Drill – Stand where ball should be caught watch the rest – Give multiple looks to the blocking personnel – Have QB carry out consistent action.
Rocket Drills Timing and spacing – Use cones for the spacing one defender for wings block – OL work on pull drill working flat to cut-off, TE evasive Reach, the rest of the line trapping. Group: 4 Drills – Team Prim run all D gap and wider plays – Trap Drill/Pass game – Skelly trap run – Power Hour
Rocket Show Clips
Rocket Pass Great Medium yardage play Puts great stretch and vertical pressure on Defense We have never had this play defended the only time it hasn’t worked is due to our own poor execution Easy throw and catch
Rocket Pass All assignments are the same with the exception of: PSWB breaks on a shoot route off of his reach path. PST must trap the invert defender, someone will show in a hurry. PSTE Runs Clear BSTE runs Drag Variation is a throwback to the QB, tough to execute
Rocket Pass Show Clips
Trap This play is better with hand mesh we run from both striker and Rocket motion Trap is a deceptive play that has homerun potential if level 2 and 3 can be blocked. Trap is the extreme practice intensive play Trap allows many false influences in the Double Wing we feel it is almost always necessary to influence to create more space and deception.
Trap Calls Center Makes two calls on every play Crocodile or Dinosaur determining whether he must block down or he is covered. He must then also call 2 or 3. If there is a Mike LB, a linebacker directly over him, he calls 3, if there is no mike, no LB over him, he calls 2.
Trap Rules We will always double on Trap if we are running inside Trap and have a Crocodile call the Center and FSG will double. If There is a dinosaur call The BST and Center will double The LB’s are numbered, the #1 LB is always the BSLB, either the Mike or the PSLB will be #2 LB depending on if it is a 2 or 3 call.
Trap Rules Our FSG is responsible for #1 – This always true unless and influence or Crocodile is called these overrule Our FST is responsible for #1 – This is always true unless and influence is called Our FSTE is responsible for #2 If on your path to your aiming point another defender crosses your path it is your obligation to block him into your called man.
Trap Rules Influence Calls – SUBA- Murph term for Guard set up block away. Although we rarely use this technique now it is still our influence call – T-SUBA- This is call for Tackle pulling and influencing – Super SUBA this is call for Tackle and guard pulling and influencing
When to Influence SUBA is best used vs. any four man front, we run this most often. T-SUBA is used mostly against 5-3 defenses it is extremely difficult to run vs. a 5-2 or even front. Super-SUBA is used only against a Even front with a 3 linebacker set.
Wide Trap We believe it is critical to be able to trap at multiple spots on the LOS Negative to wide trap (3 4) is that it is impossible to influence pull We still double first man inside the called hole making it a tight trap vs. a true 50 front Vs. Even fronts we will take our center to the #1 LB because our two #1 blockers are being occupied on a double team.
Wide Trap Influence Limited in Influencing on wide trap due to limited level 2 blockers We are unwilling to give up level 3 blockers in our wing, trap is a homerun play our level three blockers are critical fro homeruns. Action must always sell the #3 LB We will make down call sending Center back side and Guard to #1 LB. Lose double team gain a nice influence on a hard squeeze player.
Trap Drills Trap pull with pads, stay square and into the LOS. Evasive Flat drill, align players shoulder to shoulder facing each other Group – Trap drill used to work on Level 1 and 2 Blocking Offensive line, FSTE, FB, and QB Group – Skelly Trap, Level 2 stands, Level 3 reacts to ball. Team run trap often during team sessions.
Trap Show Trap Clips
Other Speed Series There are many other complements you could run Power under rocket motion Power Counter Counter trap with offset FB Leading the offset FB on sweep Boot Pass Half back Boot